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Friday, 18 November 2011

The Dream Giver

Book recommendation
The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson with David & Heather Kopp

(Information from the back cover)

Are You Living Your Dream?
Or Just Living Your Life?

Welcome to a little story about a very big idea. This compelling modern-day parable tells the story of Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream.

 You, too, have been given a Big Dream. One that can change your life. One that the Dream Giver wants to achieve.
  • Does your Big Dream seem hopelessly out of reach? 
  • Are you waiting for something or someone to make your dream happen?

Let Bruce Wilkinson show you how to
  • rise above the ordinary, 
  • conquer your fears, and 
  • overcome the obstacles that keep you from living your Big Dream.

(Information from the front inside flap)

                Has A Dream!

You may not be able to describe it. You may have forgotten it. You may no longer believe in it. But it's there.

Meet Ordinary, a Nobody who leaves the Land of the Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. Once the Dream Giver convinces to escape his Comfort Zone,

Ordinary begins the journey of his life-overcoming
  • Border Bullies, 
  • navigating the WasteLand and 
  • battling the fierce Giants in the Land. 

This modern-day parable will get you started on your own daring adventure. What may first seem like a road full of obstacles is actually a series of opportunity to help you along toward your destiny.

Bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson will serve as your Dream Coach,
  • offering insights and 
  • practical solutions.

It's to begin the journey of your life. May your heart sing as you embrace everything God has lovingly  planted there.

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Josh McDowell's - Guide to Understanding Your Bible

Book Recommendation
Josh McDowell's - Guide to Understanding Your Bible
by Josh McDowell

(Information from the front cover)

Josh McDowell's - Guide to understanding the Bible

An Effective Method for Unlocking the Living Truth

(Information from the back cover) 

A Simple and Concise Personal 
Study Method that Can Guide You To 
a Deeper Knowledge of the Bible

Many Christians long for a deeper understanding of the Bible but lack an effective method of study. Others feel that in-depth Bible knowledge requires more time than they can afford. 

In this book, internationally known speaker, author, and Christian apologist Josh McDowell shares his own method of getting into the heart of the Bible--a method  that you can tailor to fit your own schedule. 

He leads you through three simple steps you can apply to all scripture to elicit the deeper understanding you've always wanted.

Step One: How to "See It." A Guide to Observation.
Step Two: How to "Know It." A Guide to Interpretation.
Step Three: How to "Do It." A Guide to Application.

Within each step, McDowell guides you through the use of 
  • charts, 
  • illustrations, and 
  • diagrams, 
giving you a clear picture of what you can accomplish by applying his study methods. 

In addition, he guides you in the selection and use of such study helps as 
  • commentaries, 
  • concordances, 
  • Bible dictionaries, 
  • Bible translations, 
  • computer programs, and 
  • other aids to the Bible study.

Whether you're a 
  • Bible teacher, 
  • a small group leader, 
  • a searcher, or 
  • merely a Christian who wants to dig deeper, 
this book will help you become a more discerning student of Scripture.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Amazing Love

Book recommendation
Amazing Love by Corrie ten Boom

(Some information from the back cover)

Despite the horrors even of the concentration camp, it is possible to find victory in Christ. Corrie ten Boom paints vivid word pictures of her firsthand experiences in
  • camps and jails, 
  • with actresses and students, 
  • the sophisticated and the illiterate. 

 Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Talk Thru the Bible

Book recommendation
Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa

(Information from the front cover)

From Walk Thru the Bible Ministries

A unique reference tool to help you easily
  • understand each book of the Bible, 
  • it's historical context, and 
  • its  place in Scripture as a whole.

(Information from the inside front cover)

From the Introduction

"The Bible the greatest work of
  • literature, 
  • history, and 
  • theology ever written. 
In its 
  • production, 
  • preservation,
  • proclamation, and 
  • product (changed history, changed lives), 
it stands as the most unique book in existence.

It is a unity out of a diversity of 
  • authors, 
  • time span, and 
  • literally forms. 
The Old and New Testament  smoothly blend to create a bold sweep from eternity past to eternity future, from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell.

In these sixty-six books we discover our 
  • past, 
  • understand our 
  • present , and 
  • attain hope for the future."

 Talk Thru the Bible is a concise and informative survey of the Bible written to help you see the purpose and unity of Scripture. Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa show how the different pieces of the Bible fit into the whole. 

Their study is especially helpful for 
  • pastors, 
  • teachers, and 
  • students, 
because it gives a broad overview of 
  • the major people, 
  • events, and 
  • teachings of the Bible.

Talk Thru the Bible is a great reference book for any student of the Bible.

Bible Basics at a Glance

If you've ever had a simple question about a certain book of the Bible, Such as....

Who came first, Hezekiah or Samuel?
What is the purpose of the book of Hebrews?
Why is the Song of Solomon in the Bible?

....then Talk Thru the Bible is for you.

In Talk Thru the Bible, Bruce Wilkerson and Kenneth Boa answer your basic Bible questions and provide helpful 
  • charts, 
  • diagrams, and 
  • maps. 
Adapted from the popular Walk Thru the Bible seminars Talk Thru the Bible is not a 
  • commentary or 
  • Bible handbook, 
  • but a guided tour through the Old and New Testaments. 
Because of its easy-to-use format, you'll be able-for any book of the Bible-to find:

  • The meaning of its name
  • Who wrote it
  • The date and setting
  • The theme and purpose
  • Its key words, verses,, and chapters
  • How Christ is presented (even in the Old Testament)
  • Its contributions to the Bible as a whole
  • A broad summary of the events and highlights it records
  • A detailed outline of the book

Talk Thru the Bible is a Bible survey designed to give you a quick clear overview of Scripture. Great for students, teachers, and pastors. 

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.