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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Surprised by healing

Book recommendation
Surprised by healing
by Delores Winder with Bill Keith

"One of the 
Greatest Healing Miracles 
of the 20th Century"
---Sid Roth


(Information from the back cover)

"I have Passionately investigated
miracles for 30 years.
Without a doubt. Delores Winder received
one of the Greatest verified healing
miracles of the 20th century.
---Sid Roth


We are entering a time in history when the average Christian will move in supernatural power, fulfilling Jesus' words: 
"the works I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do" (John 14:12)
Get ready for the greater works!

As you read about this amazing healing of  Delores Winder, the Holy Spirit will bubble up inside of you to become a normal Christian.

Many will receive healing because of the power of this testimony as the miracle healing anointing literally splashes off the pages.

..."Not by might nor by power, but by 
My Spirit,"
says the Lord Almighty 
(Zechariah 4:6).

In 1975 Delores Winder attended a conference on the Holy Spirit in Dallas, Texas, where Kathryn Kuhlman was speaking.

Never having seen a miraculous healing take place and believing that supernatural healing ended with the apostles,

Delores was not praying for a physical miracle that night, although she was suffering a grave illness.

However, because God "is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think," 

Delores was transformed from hopelessness to wholeness, set free from a fatal disease.

That night Delores felt the very presence of the living God surrounding her.

God is no respecter of persons, and what He did for Delores, He will do for you.

God is with you always -- there is nothing impossible with Him!


Delores Winder, and her husband, Bill, teach and demonstrate healing.

They work through the Fellowship Foundation, Inc. and live in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Thank you for reading my Blog, God bless you.

Friday, 2 December 2011

The Incomplete Church

Book recommendation
The Incomplete Church by Sid Roth

Bridging the Gap Between God's Children

(Information from the back cover)

The Body of the Messiah is 
complete only when 
Jews and Christians

Christianity today is very different from the original - the
  • Miracles,
  • Healings,
  • Power, and
  • Intimacy with God -
we have to examine our Jewish roots.
For 2,000 years, there has been a separation between Judaism and Christianity resulting in a lack miracle power and intimacy with God.

The Incomplete Church explores what was stolen by the deceiver in both religions and reveals what will happen when the truth in both converges.

"And whenever the double  [Jew and Christian] river shall go, every living creature which swarms shall live. And there shall be a very great number of fish [revival]..."(Ezechiel 47:9).

What is at stake in this convergence of Jew and Gentile? The salvation of the world. Jesus summarized God's winning strategy  in that, "they all [Jew and Gentile] may be one...that the world may believe..." (John 17:21).

Together, Christians and Jews complete the Body of Messiah.

SID ROTH has a passion for people to experience the power of God for the purpose of having intimacy with Him. He has spent 35 years as a pioneer in
  • Jewish evangelism,
  • Planting Jewish Messianic congregations and
  • investigating the supernatural.
His television program, "It's Supernatural" documents miracles and is viewed internationally. He is now pioneering the next move of God called "One New Man."

Thank for reading my Blog
Shalom, the Lord loves you. 

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Love is a Decision

Book recommendation
Love is a Decision 
 by Gary Smalley with John Trent

Ten Proven Principles to Energize 
Your Marriage and Family.

(Information from the inside front flap)

In his new book, Gary Smalley offers powerful insights for understanding and improving our 
  • personal lives, 
  • marriages and 
  • careers.
Here is his most important relationship material arranged into a simple plan of action. The concepts spring from his award-winning film series," Love is a Decision."

Among the topics discussed are:
  • The Incredible Worth of a Woman -- a fresh appreciation of a woman. 
  • How to Energize Your Mate in Sixty Seconds -- Hints on how to respond when anger, fear, discouragement and frustration hit.
  • Five Keys to Loving and Lasting Relationships.
  • How to relate non- verbally
  • The Tremendous Value of a Man -- How to bring out the God -given traits in a man. 
 (Some information from the inside back flap)
  • The Secrets of a Close-Knit  Family - Maximizing togetherness times.
  • Finding Fulfillment: How to gain the desire and energy to keep loving others.
This practical and Bible-centered book will help anyone hoping for better relationships and point the way to a rewarding life.

Copyright 1989

Gary Smalley Website

Gary Smalley has a new book out,
4 Days to a Forever Marriage

This link will take you to the Smalley Store
with information on the book and a short video.

Smalley Store

(Some information from the store site)

You are 4 days away from,
  • Laying a firm foundation for your future marriage 
  • Charting the course for an even better marriage
  • Transforming a marriage that seems to be at the end
After all these years, bestselling author, Gary Smalley and his wife, Norma, continue to improve their marriage.
Learn from Dr. Smalley's latest research, employing Biblical principles he and Norma have used in the last forty years of
  • Marriage
  • Ministry, and
  • Counseling.
Your marriage can be a safe place to love and be loved.

Take the 4 Day Challenge Today.

God can do more than we can ask or think. (from Ephesians 3:20)

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.