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Sunday, 22 January 2012

Love, Dad

Book Recommendation
Love, Dad by Josh McDowell

My precious son and daughter,
here are the letters I promised.
They're from my heart...

Love, Dad

Positive Answers for Young Teens
On Handling Sexual Pressure

(Information from the back cover)

Josh McDowell answers the questions young teenagers ask.

"Am I ready to start dating?"

"Is sexual curiosity good?"

"How far is too far?"

"Why is it so hard to talk to my parents?"

and many others...

Love, Dad is a collection of letters addressed to Kelly and
Sean, Josh McDowell's 14 year-old daughter and 12 year-old
son, Josh wants to share these letters with all kids their age.
Because all kids want answers to these questions.

Love, Dad is also available in the Video  Curriculum 
Resource ТМ  Lets Talk about Love and Sex, a family
interaction video available from your Christian bookstore.

Father's Love - Power to Change

How can I know God personally?

Table of Contents

Letter 1
A letter from a Dad's Heart

Letter 2
"Why should I wait until marriage?"

Letter 3
"What makes sex great?"

Letter 4
"Am I ready to start dating?"

Letter 5
"What do all these changes mean?"

Letter 6
"Is sexual curiosity good?"

Letter 7
"How do I handle the 'pressure lines'?"

Letter 8
"What are some reasons why I should wait?"

Letter 9
"Is there such a thing as 'safe sex'?"

Letter 10
"What do I do with temptation?"

Letter 11
"How far is too far?"

Letter 12
"Can lust be controlled?"

Letter 13
"Is a fresh start possible?"

Letter 14
"Why are mistakes so painful?"

"Why is it so hard to talk to my parents?"

Thank you for reading my blog,
God bless you. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

How to be a Hero to your Kids

Book recommendation
How to be a Hero to your Kids
by Josh McDowell and Dick Day

(Information from the back cover)

 You Don't Have To 
Be A Superparent 
To Be A Hero
 To Your Kids!

All it takes is
  • love, 
  • motivation, and a 
  • workable plan.
 Discover how Josh McDowell and Dick Day's six-point Biblically based "recipe" for positive parenting
can transform you into a real hero to your kids.

In How To Be A Hero To Your Kids you will learn how to demonstrate the kind of
  • compassion, 
  • character and 
  • onsistency 
that all adds up to being a positive role model.

You will find being a hero is
  • practical, 
  • fulfilling, and 
  • fun,
But most of all, it will build the kind of relationship with your kids that will equip them to live a 
  • fulfilled and 
  • abundant lives, 
even in a dangerous and hostile world. 
What else could any superparent want?


Table of Contents


Part I. Needed: Heroes with a Plan for Positive Parenting

  1.You Can Con a Con, You can Fool a Fool, but You can't Kid a Kid.
  2. Don't Chance it, Plan It.
  3. Rules won't work without Relationships.

Part II. -  Acceptance: Builder of Security and Self Worth.

  4. If You Accept Them, They'll Accept Themselves.
  5. Acceptance: The Real Meaning of Proverbs 22:6.
  6. Acceptance Says, "You're Somebody Special"

Part III. -  Appreciation: The Key to Feeling Significant 

  7. Catch Them Doing Something Right.
  8. How Not to Grow a Perfectionist.

Part IV. -  Affection: Without it Children Can Perish.

  9. The Awesome Power of the Simple Hug.
  10. The Greatest Thing You Can do for Your Child.

Part V. -  Availability: Making Time to be a Hero.

11. Love is Spelled T-I-M-E.
12. How to "Hone In" on Your Kids.

Part VI.  - Accountability and Authority: How Limits Develop Self- Discipline and Self-Decisiveness 

  13. Accountable Parents Raise Accountable Kids.
  14. How Not to Drive Your Kids Crazy -- or Worse.

Final Thoughts: Never Stop Being a Hero!
Appendix: The Hero's Tool Box
Let's Stay in touch

How can I Know God Personally

Josh McDowell Ministries

Josh McDowell`s Ministry Video Channel

Josh McDowell`s YouTube Channel

Thank you for reading my Blog.
God Bless You,