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Monday, 26 March 2012

The Promise

Book recommendation
The Promise by Hal Lindsey

Copyright 1982

(Information from the back cover)

Nothing Can Equal 
The Triumphant Miracle Of...

In this most startling bestseller yet, Hal Lindsey demonstrates
  • how the coming of the Messiah was promised throughout the Old Testament, and 
  • how the Scriptures of the New Testament prove that this promised Messiah is Jesus.

How can an understanding of the prophetic promises of the past give hope to believers that the promises of the future will all be kept?

What are these extraordinary promises of the future--the great sequence-of final events that will touch all our lives?

Hal Lindsey is the author of
The Late Great Planet Earth, 
the #1 nonfiction bestseller of the 1970's.

Hal Lindsey Website 

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Healing the Whole Man

Book recommendation
Healing the Whole Man by Joan Hunter

  • DVD's or CD's 
  • Handbook and
  • Workbook

Effective Prayers for 
Body, Soul, and Spirit 

Healing the Whole Man 

(Information from the back cover)

Why am I (or my loved ones) 
still sick and suffering when 
God says He wants us to have good health?

You can walk in divine health and healing. 

The secrets to God's words for healing and recovery are in this
  • comprehensive, 
  • easy-to-follow guidebook 
  • containing powerful healing prayers that 
  • cover everything from abuse to yeast infections and everything in between. 

Truly anointed with the gifts of healing.

Joan Hunter has over thirty years of 
experience praying for the sick and 
brokenhearted and 
seeing them healed and set free.

This book will show you how to:
  • Understand the causes of sickness and disease.
  • Recognize the symptoms and procedure for healing.
  • Administer healing prayers effectively.
  • Identify God's call on your life.

You can be
  • healed, 
  • set free, and 
  • made totally whole--body, soul, spirit!

"We received more miracle reports when 
Joan Hunter 
was a guest on 
It's Supernatural! 
than from any other interview."

--Sid Roth, Host, It's Supernatural! TV - Joan Hunter Ministries - Video and Audio teachings

Joan Hunter's website

Joan Hunter's webstore -  Healing the Whole Man book

Joan Hunter's webstore - Bible College on Healing - Pearl Pack

Thank you or reading my blog.
God bless you.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Power to Heal

Book recommendation
Power to Heal by Joan Hunter

Experiencing the Miraculous

(Information from the back cover)

 Healing the Sick

Joan Hunter reveals powerful truths about healing and being whole.

Through this dynamic book, you can...

  • Gain complete freedom from oppression.
  • Overcome the mistakes of your past.
  • Learn the keys to true forgiveness.
  • Understand what blocks healing.
  • End the cycle of dependency.
  • Learn how to break generational curses.
  • Break the devil's authority.

God has provided the miracle you need. 
Believe and receive today.

"Joan moves in the miraculous....
The anointing of God rests upon her."

  --Marilyn Hickey, Founder and President,
     Marilyn Hickey Ministries

Joan Hunter website

Power to Heal - Joan Hunter webstore

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.