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Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Resurrection Factor

Book recommendation
The Resurrection Factor by Josh McDowell

Does the historical evidence support the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Copyright 1981

(Information from the back cover)  

If Jesus Christ wasn't raised 
from the dead, the Christian 
faith is worthless!

Can the resurrection be proven beyond 
any reasonable doubt?  

Josh McDowell has spent hundreds of hours over thirteen years combing the annals of history. Here is comprehensive and compelling evidence. You'll discover: 
  • What authenticates the truth of any historical event.
  • The extreme security precautions taken at the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth.
  • The historical evidence that a supernatural event emptied the tomb.
  • How to answer theories advanced by skeptics to explain away the empty tomb.
  • The incredible implications of the resurrection to maximum life in the twentieth century.

Read with an open mind.
The Resurrection Factor
can bring
  • new conviction, 
  • fresh purpose and 
  • extraordinary joy to your life.

Josh McDowell website

How can I know God personally 

Evidence for the Resurrection - Josh McDowell's webstore

Josh McDowell's newer book-  
Evidence for the Resurrection.
by Josh & Sean McDowell

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God bless you.