Book recommendation
(Information from the back cover)
Do you want your wife to:
Gary Smalley's Website
Gary Smalley's Free Personality Test
Smalley Store - If He Only Knew
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God bless you.
If Only He Knew
by Gary Smalley with Steve Scott
If Only He Knew
What No Woman Can Resist
(Information from the back cover)
Do you want your wife to:
- Understand you?
- Appreciate you?
- Be more responsive sexually?
- Support you during hard times?
- Admire you?
- Share your interests?
- Listen to what you have to say?
Gary Smalley explains a
- woman's deepest needs, shows a man how to meet those needs, and
- gives ten simple steps to strengthen any marriage.
- He helps men understand not only how to respond to a woman's feelings, but also how to make her feel important.
- Using humorous and touching illustrations from his own life, as well as case histories and Biblical examples,
Gary Smalley in
If Only He Knew
maps a blueprint to a better marriage.
Gary Smalley's Website
Gary Smalley's Free Personality Test
Smalley Store - If He Only Knew
Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.