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Tuesday, 11 September 2012


 CD recommendation

by Katie Souza

Total Transformation

(Information from the back of the CD cover)

Did you know that taking offense can cause physical sickness in your body?

In this powerful 4 part CD series, Katie Souza reveals the
  • emotional, 
  • physical, and 
  • spiritual toil that offense can have on you.  

Katie then goes on to reveal the Biblical keys to living un-offendable, being untouched by offense and it's negative effects.

You will also learn how to heal past wounds of offense and begin experiencing supernatural healing and breakthrough.

Many people have experienced physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by applying the anointed teachings in this powerful series.

Expected End Ministries

Expected End Ministries - Web store - Stay Un-offendable

Steps to Peace with God

Sid Roth's interview with Katie Souza

Katie Souza and the Expected End Ministries team teach and equip people how to move in the supernatural and cause the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on earth.

Through this ministry, thousands of people have experienced physical and emotional healing and have been equipped to fulfill their God given destinies.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Glory Within

Book Recommendation

             The Glory Within             
 by Corey Russell

The Interior Life
and the Power of 
Speaking in tongues

(Information from the back cover) 

Glorious Language 

And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied (Acts 19:6)

The Glory Within is about 
  • the glory of the new birth, 
  • the indwelling Spirit,and
  • your call right now to access the life of God within you--through speaking in tongues.

 And these signs will follow those who will believe: 
In My name they will cast out demons; 
they will speak with new tongues
(Mark 16:17).

Many Christians don't realize the abundant, glorious benefits found in speaking in tongues. Realizing this gift brings you closer to God and your spiritual destiny in a variety of ways:
  • Engaging the revelatory realm of mysteries
  • Edification 
  • Building a capacity for God
  • Successful spiritual warfare
  • Holiness
  • And many other spiritual realities  

The lack of revelation of what you now possess and how to intimately access God may result in a less-than-fulfilling Christian experience and lifestyle.  

The Glory Within awakens your spiritual senses and inner spirit so you can become the person God created you to be.   

 Corey Russell is on the senior leadership team of the International House of Prayer. In addition to 30 hours a week in the prayer room, he serves as the director of the Forerunner Program.

He travels nationally and internationally preaching and teaching about 
  • the knowledge of God, 
  • intercession, and 
  • the urgency of the hour.
   He resides in Kansas City, Missouri, with his wife, Dana, and their three daughters, Trinity, Mya, and Hadassah.

Corey Russell's website

Corey Russell website - The Glory Within

You-Tube: officalcoreyrussell 

Peace with God - Billy Graham's website

International House of Prayer website

International House of Prayer - Prayer Room - Prayer and Whorship - 24/7 Live webstream

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.