Your Pathway to Miracles &
God's Authority
by Marilyn Hickey
( Description from Sid Roth's website )
Walk in God's Miraculous Authority
Your pathway to Miracles. (Book)
- Do miracles just "happen"?
- Or is there a path we can walk to discover how to live continuously in the miraculous?
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a miraculous book, and miracles are available to us today because God's Word promises them.
Renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey describes a number of the remarkable miracles she has witnessed in her years of ministry.
With her signature down-to-earth style and solid Biblical teaching, she takes you step-by-step as she encourages you to trust God to work great miracles in and through you.
You will discover:
- Miracles come in different sizes: small, great and giant
- The way miracles are birthed and grow
- How God prepares us to receive miracles
- How to find the miracles you hold in your own hand
- The way to receive
financial prosperity and
restored relationships
- How God turns overwhelming problems into miraculous opportunities
God's Authority: Use It or Lose It.
(2 CD's)
Use it or lose it!
Marilyn Hickey says we must be fully persuaded to move in God's authority. In the power of His authority, we can shape the unseen.
Marilyn says when we fed on His Word our faith rises up. The power to heal comes even when we don't sense the anointing.
Adam surrendered areas of dominion in this realm, but Jesus reversed the field.
Now we are His anointed servants and agents. Be persuaded and you will see the miraculous!
Marilyn Hickey, along with her daughter Sarah, has helped millions of individuals overcome setbacks and live the Bible.
Today their ministry sends a clear message of
- love,
- hope and
- healing.
Sid Roth's interview with Marilyn Hickey
Sid Roth's webstore - Your Pathway to Miracles (book) & God's Authority (2 CD's) by Marilyn Hickey
Marilyn and
Steps to Peace with God
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God Bless you.