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Friday, 26 April 2013

From Curses To Blessings

(Description from Sid Roth's website)

Craig Hill has found a supernatural key that the first Jewish believers in Messiah understood.

He teaches how to open up blessings and get rid of the curses.

It brings God's extraordinary blessings to your family, for their health and their emotions.

Click to Hear Sid Roth's interview with Craig Hill

(Description from Sid Roth's webstore)

The Power of a Parent's Blessing (book) & 
Soaking Up The Father's Blessing 
 (2 CD set)  

How God Uses Parents to Bless

The Power of a Parents Blessing. 

There are seven critical times in life God intends every person to receive an impartation of
  • identity and 
  • destiny. 

In the first six God uses parents, and in the seventh He uses adult children to impart blessings back to their parents.

The primary connotation of the Hebrew word Baruch, "to bless,"  is to "empower and prosper."

While parents who. through lack of knowledge, fail to bless - or actually curse - may spiritually and emotionally cripple the child. 

Craig Hill answers key questions for each critical time in a child's life, including 
  • What is the key identity and destiny question to be answered in the heart of the child?
  • When is the appropriate time to bless?
  • What are the potential consequences of not blessing?
  • What is the role of each parent in blessing at this specific time?
  • What are practical tools to use in blessing? 

 Soaking Up the Fathers Blessing

As you listen to this powerful series, expect to receive a transformation in your 
  • health, 
  • finances, 
  • family, 
  • relationships 
  • and more.
 All areas of your life will be restored as you learn to soak up the Father's Blessing.

In this series you will be mentored by 14 anointed teachers. They include:
  • Sid Roth, 
  • Dr. Gary Whetstone, 
  • Bill Ligon, 
  • Rich Vera, 
  • Tony Kemp, 
  • Craig Hill, 
  • David Martin, 
  • Kerry Kirkwood, 
  • Mike Shreve, 
  • Steven Brooks, 
  • Leif Hetland, 
  • Dr. John Benefiel, 
  • Mark Matthews and 
  • Mahesh Chavda.

Craig Hill, and his wife Jan, live near Denver, Colorado.

Craig and Jan give senior leadership to Family Foundations International (FFI).

FFI is a Christian ministry which conducts life-changing seminars in many nations.

Craig has written several books, including his best seller, The Ancient Paths.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Unshackled (Radio Drama)

Click below on  
  1. Unshackled and 
  2. scroll down to the archive lists 2003 - 2013, and 
  3. click on one of the years and 
  4. then select a program to listen to.


How to Get to Heaven

Steps to Peace with God

  ( Description from the website )


Real people...stirring, dramatic accounts of hopelessness, and the hope that changes everything.

'Unshackled!' the award-winning radio drama from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago,
gripes the heart with compelling and relevant stories of transformed lives.

Without Jesus Christ, we are all shackled by sin--
  • by our wrong choices, 
  • disobedience and 
  • selfish motives. 

But God is at work, and and the power of Christ sets us free of our bondage. We are..."Unshackled!"  

Since 1950, Pacific Garden Mission has produced this unique series, making "Unshackled!" the longest running radio drama in history.

Still produced in the style of the "Golden Age" of radio, every element is live at the time of production--the

  • original music,
  • the creative sound effects and, 
  • of course, the dynamic performances of talented professional actors.

Today "Unshackled!" is broadcast around the world almost 12,000 times each week on over 2,600 radio outlets. 

In addition to the English broadcast, it is translated and re-dramatized in
  • Spanish, 
  • Arabic, 
  • Russian, 
  • Romanian Polish, 
  • Korean, 
  • Japanese, 
  • Farsi, 
  • Albanian, 
  • Greek, 
  • Macedonian, 
  • Turkish, and 
  • Portuguese.

 Thank you for reading my blog.
 God bless you.