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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Breaking the Apocalypse Code

(Description from  Sid Roth's website)

Perry Stone pioneered understanding 
the Hebraic roots of the Book of Revelation, 
  • the key to the signs and 
  • the seasons we are living in. 

You must understand it, and Perry can help.

Sid Roth's interview with Perry Stone

Sid Roth's Radio interview 
with Perry Stone

Breaking the Apocalypse Code
(7- DVD Set & Syllabus) - by Perry Stone

Revelation Wake-Call!

Perry Stone has meticulously created a comprehensive study of  Revelation on 7 DVD's, entitled Breaking the Apocalypse Code, with an extensive 100-page Study Guide.

His fascinating and clear teachings will unlock prophetic mysteries predicted in the Book of Revelation. Perry's understanding of the
  • ancient Biblical Feasts, 
  • Temple and 
  • priestly codes 
will clarify truths about end times and the return of Jesus.

You will begin to understand God's revelation to John on the island of Patmos. Your eyes will be opened  to these and other mysteries in the Book of Revelation:
  • The Apocalypse Code and the Heavenly Temple
  • The Heavenly Throne Room and beginning of the Tribulation
  • The Millenial Code: the 1,000 year reign of Messiah, the king

Perry also explores quetions like...
  • Who are the Two Witnesses?
  • Who is the Beast?
  • What is Mystery Babylon?
  • What is the mysterious Mark 666?

Perry Stone has investesd over 80,000 hours in studying the Bible. Now you can study with him and review his valuable insights!

Sid Roth's webstore - Breaking the Apocalypse Code 
(7- DVD Set & Syllabus)

Unleashing the Beast  
Revised Edition  (Book)

What in the World Is Going On?

There is an unsettling mood hanging like storm clouds over North America.
  • Why is there so much upheavel on so many levels? 
  • Where is America moving, and where is the world heading? 
  • Who will emerge from among the sea of nations as the survivor and the leader?

In times of uncertainity, you want to know that things are under contol and happening as planned.

In Unleashing the Beast, Perry Stone demonstrates how Biblical prophesies are played out on the world stage today. In this informative and prophectic stirring book, you will discover...

  • That Biblical prophesies and Islamic traditions both point to the rise of a coming kingdom and a global dictator who will sieze the world.
  • The role that current global concerns have in setting the stage for these End Time events to unfold.

That God is-and always has been-in control in the midst of it all.

Sid Roth's webstore- Unleashing the Beast - Revised Edition  (Book)

Perry Stone is a fourth generation minister and director of Voice of Evangelism
  • He is recognized as a leading author and teacher on Bible prophecy. 
  • Perry is joined in ministry by his wife Pam. 
  • They reside in Cleveland, Tennesse.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.