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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Day of the Lord

 (Description from Sid Roth's Website)

David Jones had an open vision of 
what is referred to in the Bible as  
"The Day of the Lord." 

He even sensed what was going on and 
how it affected other people. 

David says we must get ready!

Sid Roth's interview with David Jones

Sid Roth's Radio interview with David Jones

Sid Roth's webstore
The Day of the Lord Rescue Kit 

by Sid Roth, David Jones, Faisal Malick
(5 Booklets, CD, 2 Books)

   Eyewitnesses Testimony of 
the Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord rescue kit includes 

5 copies of my new evangelistic booklet, Eyewitness
  • which tells David Jones vision 
  • along with a special evangelistic portion I have written. 
We don't have much time. 
Use this kit with family and friends before it's too late ! - Sid Roth

Eyewitness - The Final Day on Earth. (5 Booklets) "

… Time stood still, for the hour had come."
What if the world as you know it is coming to an end? 

Read a shocking-eyewitness account by Pastor David Jones about the cataclysmic events getting ready to take place on earth-sooner than you think!  

This booklet will shake up a non-believer and give them a very unique presentation of the gospel.


They Thought A Had More Time - 
I saw the day of the Lord. (CD) 

David Jones received a vision that changed his life. It felt like someone gripped his arm and shook him awake

  • In an instant, he was hovering above the earth. 
  • Beautiful clear skies stretched over the horizon. 
  • Mountains and hills adorned the landscape below. 
People continued with business as usual,

until a deafening sound broke through the heavens and pierced ears of everyone who heard it.

Terror gripped the people as they realized the Day of the Lord was not a fable.

It had come and they had run out of time.

As you experience this vision for yourself, this CD will:
  • Empower you to live every moment with eternal significance
  • Teach you to prepare for the end times
  • Show you how to get right with God 

They Fought for Themselves. (Book)
Sid Roth was instructed in a dream to find and interview Jewish people who had broken through the mold of their previous experience

To achieve their destiny. 
  • These are the people he interviewed. 
  • These are their stories and this is the time for your breakthrough. 
  • They all defied the status quo and thought for themselves. 
  • They dared to explore and confront the forbidden. 

The result? 

  • New worlds opened and undiscovered possibilities emerged. 
  • Their lives changed for the better! 

The group includes an 
  • atheist, 
  • Holocaust survivor, 
  • a concert pianist and 
  • a media executive.

What did you have in common? 
  • They thought for themselves.

10 Amazing Muslims Touched by God. (Book)

Your faith in our supernatural God of miracles will explode when you read the testimonies of 10 former Muslims, now as radical for Jesus as  they were for Islam!

Their stories include
  • a man raised to be a terrorist, 
  • a scholar seeking to know Mohammed and a
  •  woman raised as a Bedouin. 

You'll be amazed at their personal encounters with the
  • God of Abraham, 
  • Isaac, 
  • Ishmael and 
  • Jacob. 
And they move in miracles!

David Jones 

  • is a praise and worship leader, 
  • author, 
  • visionary and 
  • father. 
  • He is also a preacher who has served in ministries for over 25 years. 

In 2012 God moved the ministry to North Carolina where David now resides with his wife and three children.

Faisal Malick  
was raised a devout Sunni Muslim and was supernaturally touched by God in 1994. He is a recognized 
  • spiritual leader, 
  • entrepreneur, 
  • television personality and 
  • best-selling author.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Jumpstart Your Health

 (Description from Sid Roth's Website)

David Herzog teaches you how to walk in God's glory as a lifestyle.

He also mentors you in nutrition essentials often missing from our foods today.

He says Adam and Eve knew perfect health, so can you.

Sid Roth's interview with David Herzog

Sid Roth's Radio interview with David Herzog

Sid Roth's webstore
Jumpstart  & 
Walking in the Glory Everyday 

(Book and DVD) by David Herzog

To Your Health in the 
Natural and Supernatural

Jumpstart! - (Book)

a step-by-step plan to super charge every area of your health. Everybody wants to look and feel their best.  Jumpstart! takes a multipronged to health and wellness that provides impressive results quickly. Emphasizing the connection between
  • Mind, 
  • Body and 
  • Spirit
author David Herzog showes you how to:
  • Reset your weight to it's optimal level
  • Reprogram your mind for success 
  • Tap into the most powerful power source 

When you start to drop the excess pounds and cleanse your body of stress and toxins, your body will begin to function
  • at it's optimal level, 
  • revving up your metabolism and 
  • immune system. 
Jumpstart your health and get excited about the new life that is just around the corner!

Walking in the Glory Everyday -  (DVD)

This DVD is designed to bring to bring the Glory of God into your life everyday.

  • You will learn to walk in resurrection glory 
  • where people, 
  • body parts, 
  • prophecies and 
  • callings that have been dormant are resurrected. 

you will learn to 
  • access heaven, 
  • creating personal revival and 
  • accelerating your own miraculous harvests from sowing in the glory zone. 

This offer includes a speacial magnet "daily reminder" with keys to living in the glory daily!

David Herzog 
  • is the president of DHM and 
  • Sedona Naturals LLC. 
  • A motivational speaker, 
  • life coach and 
  • certified nutrition coach. 

He is the author of several books, including the best-selling Glory Invasion!

He and his wife, Stefanie, live in Sedona, Arizona, and are the
  • founders of David Herzog Ministries and 
  • co-hosts of the weekly TV program called the Glory Zone.

The Glory Zone

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Radiating God's Presence

(Description from Sid Roth's Website)

Patricia King learned how to stay so saturated with the presence of God she radiates wherever she goes.
  • Out shopping, 
  • at home, 
  • wherever.
And in His presence problems go!
But if she can do it so can you.

Sid Roth's interview with Patricia King

Sid Roth's webstore - Create Your World

You Have the Power to 
Create Your World!


Patricia King has written a book that will empower you to frame your world and experience the kind of life Jesus died to give you. She gives clear and simple guidelines so every believer can live a life of victory as an over-comer rather than a life of defeat. Patricia helps ordinary people to understand extraordinary truths of Scripture.

Create Your World is full of keys that will help you unlock your potential and transform every aspect of your life. As you apply the principles of Create Your World 
  • your relationships, 
  • health, and 
  • finances
 will be supernaturally blessed by God!

5 - CD Set

God created the whole world and everything in it. you are made in His image and called to do the works He did - Including create! Patricia King gives you tested and proven biblical principles that will help you break through
  • roadblocks, 
  • hindrances and  
  • delays
 so you can fulfill your divine destiny. Discover how to co-labor with the Creator to create Kingdom realities that you can begin to inhabit today.

Get ready to learn how to work with God to create your world and establish the reality of His blessing in every area of your life!


You are the architect of your world The Key? You are made in God's image, and in His great love for you He has provided everything you need to create an amazing world for yourself -
  • rich with purpose, 
  • blessing and 
  • fulfillment.
No matter how your life looks today, God wants to show you how to be a builder and shaper  of realms. a creator of atmospheres!

The Create Your World Interactive Study Guide helps you learn to inhabit the goodness of God no matter what is going on in the world around you!

 Patricia King has been a pioneering voice with over 30 years in Christian Ministry.She is an author, and a regular guest at conferences  and television and radio shows.

Patriciais president of XP Ministeries and hosts the TV program "Patricia King - Everlasting Love."

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.