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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Activating your 5 Spiritual Senses - Jerame Nelson

Activating your 5 Spiritual Senses - Jerame Nelson

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Sid Roth Mentoring 1 - Joan Hunter/ Katie Souza

Sid Roth Mentoring 1 - Joan Hunter/ Katie Souza

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Friday, 11 April 2014

How to Enter God's Glory - David Herzog

Sid Roth Interview with David Herzog

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Bob & Audrey Meisner - Marriage

Sid Roth's  -  Interview with
Bob & Audrey Meisner

Sid Roth's  - Radio Interview with
Bob & Audrey Meisner

It's A New Day -webstore
Best Friends, Best Lovers -Book
Bob & Audrey Meisner

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

In Jerusalem, Garry Whetstone had a Vision of all History

(Description from Sid Roth's website)

In Jerusalem, 
Gary Whetstone had a vision of all of history. 

In it people didn't hear God or 
refused to follow His instructions. 

Their good works were then 
burned with fire. 

But God showed Gary how to
 hear clearly and fulfill his destiny! 

Sid Roth's interview with 
Garry Whetstone

Sid Roth's Radio interview with 
Garry Whetstone

Today Hear His Voice
( 6 DVD set & Guide ) 
Sid Roth's web store

God Made us to 
Hear His Voice

This is the most important tool 
I have ever offered, and 

I believe that it will totally 
revolutionize your walk 
with the Lord! - Sid

Dr. Garry Whetstone discovered the supernatural key to discerning God's voice above all others.

Then he used it to revolutionize 
  • his life, 
  • his marriage, and 
  • his entire church.

He has recorded his God given revelation on a compelling 6 DVD set.

You'll experience the Lord in a new dimension and learn how to cut off the voices of the world - 
  • voices of logic, 
  • sucess, 
  • lust of the flesh, 
  • negative friends, 
  • media and 
  • others
The voice of the Lord will become prevalent in your life.

In these last days, you will want to be certain that you are hearing God's voice unmistakably. 

Know what 
  • Know what God has for you each day, 
  • grow in your ability to minister and 
  • put negative voices behind you!

Gary Whetstone 
 is senior pastor and founder of  
Victory Christian Fellowship in 
New Castle, Delaware, and 
founder of 
Gary Whetstone Worldwide Ministries. 

He has devoted his life to helping others experience freedom in every area of life through the Word of God.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The Juice Lady's 2014 Healthy People Kit - Cherie Calbom

The Juice Lady's 
2014 Healthy People Kit  - 
Cherie Calbom

(Description from Sid Roth's website)

Jesus the Messiah died for all our pain, died for all our diseases!

So how come there are as many sick Christians as non-Christians?

Cherie Calbom shares how to eat the good and delicious food God has provided for us so we can become the "Healthiest People on Earth!"

Sid Roth's  -  Interview with
Cherie Calbom

Sid Roth's  - Radio Interview with
Cherie Calbom

Juicing for Health, 
Healing and Wholeness

The Juice Lady's Turbo Diet (Book)

Known as "The Juice Lady" for her expertise on juicing and raw foods, Cherie Calbom serves up freshly made juices and raw food recipes to help you lose weight and keep it off for good. 

Learn about the program that has helped many people lose weight with ease. Read exciting weight-loss stories such as Dave the trucker, who lost more than 230 pounds turbo juicing.

When we give our bodies the nutrients we need with delicious healthy, and life giving foods, losing weight becomes easier- and healthier. 

  • juicing tips,  
  • delicious recipes, and 
  • simple meal plans 
will help you make juicing and raw foods an integral part of your weight-loss success.    


Juicing for Health (DVD)

Would you like to 
  • lose weight, 
  • look younger, 
  • boost your energy, 
  • alkalize you body, 
  • strengthen your immune system, 
  • keep colds and flu at bay, and 
  • prevent disease?
Learn how vegetable juicing can help you do all that and more. it was the hope of reversing an illness that prompted me to start juicing years ago when I had severe chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

You'll be inspired by my story of healing not only of CFS, but also of a severe injury.

Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life  (Book)  

More than a simple collection of recipes, this book guides toward a lifestyle that promotes
alkaline balance by juicing, 
eating well, and 
cleansing the body and soul. 

While most juicing books focus too much on fruit juice (which disrupts t5he bodies ph balance, with too much natural sugar), this book primarily focuses on 
  • juices, 
  • smoothies, and 
  • soups made from vegetables. 

Now , completely revised and updated, it also offers a guide to the food richest in nutrients from Vitamin to Zinc and includes over 20 new juice recipes as well as new versions of various cleanses to benefit the 
  • colon, 
  • liver, 
  • gall bladder, 
  • kidney, 
  • lymphatics and more.
Beyond the body, the Calbom's explain the heavy toll
  • emotional, 
  • mental, and 
  • spiritual unrest 
can take on the body (and sometimes encourage disease) and share unique, effective methods for cleansing the body of such toxicity.

The Juice Lady's
Remedies for Stress & Adrenal Fatigue (Book)

You don't have to suffer the effects of stress and exhaustion. 

By simply adding more raw food to your diet, you increase your intake of essential nutrients and decrease the harmful effects of stress and  adrenal fatigue on your body. 

With recipes and recommendations for 
  • healing teas, 
  • juices, 
  • smoothies, 
this quick reference guide helps you naturally repair, rejuvenate, and reclaim your health. you also get valuable tips on stopping stress and adrenal fatigue at the source, including the following
  • The connection between chronic stress and adrenal fatigue 
  • Pratical ways to lower your stress levels
  • Nine common symptoms of adrenal fatigue
  • Seven steps you can take to combat stress eating 
  • and more

Cherie Calbom, M.S.
  • is a registered nutritionist.
  • She is the author of several health and diet books

John Calbom, M.A.
  • is a behavioral medicine spealist and
  • Psychotherapist,
  • He is the director of Trinity Wellness Institute

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.