(Information from Sid Roth's Website)
I Am Remnant
Pat Schatzline says when you get your destiny in sync with God,
- it will cause your family to get in sync.
- Then the nation ,
- then the world.
Pat shares the download God gave him for this generation and what it needs to do.
I Am Remnant
Sid Roth interviews Pat Schatzline
Sid Roth's
Radio interview with
Pat Schatzline
I Am Remnant
The Remnant Series
( Book & 3CD Set )
Sid Roth's web store
What Will You Declare?
I Am Remnant. (Book)
- Will you be the last one to stand on the promises of God when all the odds are against you?
- Will you be the last one to stand in obedience when everyone else has turned away?
- Will you be bold enough to declare, " I Am Remnant"?
Throughout history God has used small, powerful groups who have stayed true to Him to transform
- culture,
- government and even the
- spiritual climate of a nation.
The Bible calls these Remnants.
Today God continues to set apart men and woman who will
- rise up,
- speak out and
- lead.
He is waiting for you.
This is your moment.
Time is running out and your voice is needed to transform the world with a message from the throne of God.
Like Samuel, you must accept the mantle God has for you.
Will you accept the call?
The Remnant Series. (3 CD's)
Are you ready for an adventure with God?
Very soon, God's remnant will revolutionize the world, demonstrate His kingdom and be used in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen.
This series by Pat Schatzline will help you
- gain boldness and be
- encouraged for the days ahead.
Join Pat as he dives into these messages and shares the visions God has given him for such a time as this.
God is waiting for you. Will you declare, "I Am Remnant"?
Pat Schatzline is
- one of America's leading communicators,
- authors and
- evangelists.
He and his wife, Karen, co-founded Mercy Seat ministries and have ministered to over two million people.
Known for his crazy humor and unique ability to communicate God's word with passion,
Pat desires to introduce a generation to the awesome love of the Father.
Who is Yeshua?
Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )
Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )
Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.