The Hope - The Rebirth of Israel /
takes viewers on a
journey through the
50 years
that preceded the
founding of
the modern State of Israel.
- To watch online click on link
- Scroll down to blue box on the right that says "Watch online Now"
- Click on the blue box
- Fill out information and an access link will be emailed to you.
Day 1 - Theodor Herzl
Day 2 - Buying The Holy Land
Day 3 - Chaim Weizmann
Day 4 - David Ben-Gurion
Day 5 - Golda Meir
Day 6 - Independence Day
Day 7 - Eliezer Ben-Yehuda
Day 8 - Churchill & The Jews
The Hope -
The Rebirth of Israel
CBN Documentary
Amazing Story of a Pakistani Muslim Touched by God
Connect with God
Who is Yeshua?
Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )
Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )
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