Book recommendation
The Feasts of the Lord by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal
The Feasts of the Lord
God's Prophetic Calendar
Calvary To The Kingdom
(From the front covers inside flap)
These are the feasts of the Lord,
holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.
--Leviticus 23:4
Written with Christian and Jewish audiences in mind. The Feasts of the Lord takes the reader through all the holy days of Israel. These ancient celebrations come alive as they are enhanced with over one hundred and fifty full color-charts, photographs and paintings. As the history of the Judean holy days are revealed, the Jewish customs that serve as the most foundational facts of Christianity are brought to light. As Rosenthal and Howard strive to create a fresh understanding, these traditions are weighed in the light of God's Word to reveal the Messiah.
Step back to the days of Israel's Temple and then forward to the modern Jewish home to join a family as they celebrate these feasts. Experience the alluring aroma of baking matza, hear the nervous sounds the bleating temple lambs, and feel the warmth of the Judean sun. With each step of the journey, the brilliant rays of the coming Messianic Kingdom and Jewish will become more radiant.
(Information from the back cover)
The Feasts of the Lord
Israel's feasts are infinitely more important than just a series of cultural observances. These feasts are appointed by the Lord, and they are owned by the Lord. He calls them "my feasts." Together they form God's prophetic calendar, outlining the work of history's most important person -- Jesus the Messiah. As such, few themes are more timely or rewarding for God's people today.
The Feasts of the Lord covers all the aspects of the biblical feasts--historical background, biblical observance, modern observance, and prophetic significance. Yet, this book is not just another reference book on the feasts. It is written from the Hebrew, Christian viewpoint, helping you see the feasts through Jewish eyes.
The words of the Savior. His messianic claims, and Bible prophecy will all take on a rich, new relevance for you against the exciting backdrop of The Feasts of the Lord.
Unleavened Bread
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Who is Yeshua?
Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )
Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )
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The Lord bless you, Shalom.