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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Surprised by healing

Book recommendation
Surprised by healing
by Delores Winder with Bill Keith

"One of the 
Greatest Healing Miracles 
of the 20th Century"
---Sid Roth


(Information from the back cover)

"I have Passionately investigated
miracles for 30 years.
Without a doubt. Delores Winder received
one of the Greatest verified healing
miracles of the 20th century.
---Sid Roth


We are entering a time in history when the average Christian will move in supernatural power, fulfilling Jesus' words: 
"the works I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do" (John 14:12)
Get ready for the greater works!

As you read about this amazing healing of  Delores Winder, the Holy Spirit will bubble up inside of you to become a normal Christian.

Many will receive healing because of the power of this testimony as the miracle healing anointing literally splashes off the pages.

..."Not by might nor by power, but by 
My Spirit,"
says the Lord Almighty 
(Zechariah 4:6).

In 1975 Delores Winder attended a conference on the Holy Spirit in Dallas, Texas, where Kathryn Kuhlman was speaking.

Never having seen a miraculous healing take place and believing that supernatural healing ended with the apostles,

Delores was not praying for a physical miracle that night, although she was suffering a grave illness.

However, because God "is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think," 

Delores was transformed from hopelessness to wholeness, set free from a fatal disease.

That night Delores felt the very presence of the living God surrounding her.

God is no respecter of persons, and what He did for Delores, He will do for you.

God is with you always -- there is nothing impossible with Him!


Delores Winder, and her husband, Bill, teach and demonstrate healing.

They work through the Fellowship Foundation, Inc. and live in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Thank you for reading my Blog, God bless you.

Friday, 2 December 2011

The Incomplete Church

Book recommendation
The Incomplete Church by Sid Roth

Bridging the Gap Between God's Children

(Information from the back cover)

The Body of the Messiah is 
complete only when 
Jews and Christians

Christianity today is very different from the original - the
  • Miracles,
  • Healings,
  • Power, and
  • Intimacy with God -
we have to examine our Jewish roots.
For 2,000 years, there has been a separation between Judaism and Christianity resulting in a lack miracle power and intimacy with God.

The Incomplete Church explores what was stolen by the deceiver in both religions and reveals what will happen when the truth in both converges.

"And whenever the double  [Jew and Christian] river shall go, every living creature which swarms shall live. And there shall be a very great number of fish [revival]..."(Ezechiel 47:9).

What is at stake in this convergence of Jew and Gentile? The salvation of the world. Jesus summarized God's winning strategy  in that, "they all [Jew and Gentile] may be one...that the world may believe..." (John 17:21).

Together, Christians and Jews complete the Body of Messiah.

SID ROTH has a passion for people to experience the power of God for the purpose of having intimacy with Him. He has spent 35 years as a pioneer in
  • Jewish evangelism,
  • Planting Jewish Messianic congregations and
  • investigating the supernatural.
His television program, "It's Supernatural" documents miracles and is viewed internationally. He is now pioneering the next move of God called "One New Man."

Thank for reading my Blog
Shalom, the Lord loves you. 

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Love is a Decision

Book recommendation
Love is a Decision 
 by Gary Smalley with John Trent

Ten Proven Principles to Energize 
Your Marriage and Family.

(Information from the inside front flap)

In his new book, Gary Smalley offers powerful insights for understanding and improving our 
  • personal lives, 
  • marriages and 
  • careers.
Here is his most important relationship material arranged into a simple plan of action. The concepts spring from his award-winning film series," Love is a Decision."

Among the topics discussed are:
  • The Incredible Worth of a Woman -- a fresh appreciation of a woman. 
  • How to Energize Your Mate in Sixty Seconds -- Hints on how to respond when anger, fear, discouragement and frustration hit.
  • Five Keys to Loving and Lasting Relationships.
  • How to relate non- verbally
  • The Tremendous Value of a Man -- How to bring out the God -given traits in a man. 
 (Some information from the inside back flap)
  • The Secrets of a Close-Knit  Family - Maximizing togetherness times.
  • Finding Fulfillment: How to gain the desire and energy to keep loving others.
This practical and Bible-centered book will help anyone hoping for better relationships and point the way to a rewarding life.

Copyright 1989

Gary Smalley Website

Gary Smalley has a new book out,
4 Days to a Forever Marriage

This link will take you to the Smalley Store
with information on the book and a short video.

Smalley Store

(Some information from the store site)

You are 4 days away from,
  • Laying a firm foundation for your future marriage 
  • Charting the course for an even better marriage
  • Transforming a marriage that seems to be at the end
After all these years, bestselling author, Gary Smalley and his wife, Norma, continue to improve their marriage.
Learn from Dr. Smalley's latest research, employing Biblical principles he and Norma have used in the last forty years of
  • Marriage
  • Ministry, and
  • Counseling.
Your marriage can be a safe place to love and be loved.

Take the 4 Day Challenge Today.

God can do more than we can ask or think. (from Ephesians 3:20)

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Friday, 18 November 2011

The Dream Giver

Book recommendation
The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson with David & Heather Kopp

(Information from the back cover)

Are You Living Your Dream?
Or Just Living Your Life?

Welcome to a little story about a very big idea. This compelling modern-day parable tells the story of Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream.

 You, too, have been given a Big Dream. One that can change your life. One that the Dream Giver wants to achieve.
  • Does your Big Dream seem hopelessly out of reach? 
  • Are you waiting for something or someone to make your dream happen?

Let Bruce Wilkinson show you how to
  • rise above the ordinary, 
  • conquer your fears, and 
  • overcome the obstacles that keep you from living your Big Dream.

(Information from the front inside flap)

                Has A Dream!

You may not be able to describe it. You may have forgotten it. You may no longer believe in it. But it's there.

Meet Ordinary, a Nobody who leaves the Land of the Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. Once the Dream Giver convinces to escape his Comfort Zone,

Ordinary begins the journey of his life-overcoming
  • Border Bullies, 
  • navigating the WasteLand and 
  • battling the fierce Giants in the Land. 

This modern-day parable will get you started on your own daring adventure. What may first seem like a road full of obstacles is actually a series of opportunity to help you along toward your destiny.

Bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson will serve as your Dream Coach,
  • offering insights and 
  • practical solutions.

It's to begin the journey of your life. May your heart sing as you embrace everything God has lovingly  planted there.

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Josh McDowell's - Guide to Understanding Your Bible

Book Recommendation
Josh McDowell's - Guide to Understanding Your Bible
by Josh McDowell

(Information from the front cover)

Josh McDowell's - Guide to understanding the Bible

An Effective Method for Unlocking the Living Truth

(Information from the back cover) 

A Simple and Concise Personal 
Study Method that Can Guide You To 
a Deeper Knowledge of the Bible

Many Christians long for a deeper understanding of the Bible but lack an effective method of study. Others feel that in-depth Bible knowledge requires more time than they can afford. 

In this book, internationally known speaker, author, and Christian apologist Josh McDowell shares his own method of getting into the heart of the Bible--a method  that you can tailor to fit your own schedule. 

He leads you through three simple steps you can apply to all scripture to elicit the deeper understanding you've always wanted.

Step One: How to "See It." A Guide to Observation.
Step Two: How to "Know It." A Guide to Interpretation.
Step Three: How to "Do It." A Guide to Application.

Within each step, McDowell guides you through the use of 
  • charts, 
  • illustrations, and 
  • diagrams, 
giving you a clear picture of what you can accomplish by applying his study methods. 

In addition, he guides you in the selection and use of such study helps as 
  • commentaries, 
  • concordances, 
  • Bible dictionaries, 
  • Bible translations, 
  • computer programs, and 
  • other aids to the Bible study.

Whether you're a 
  • Bible teacher, 
  • a small group leader, 
  • a searcher, or 
  • merely a Christian who wants to dig deeper, 
this book will help you become a more discerning student of Scripture.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Amazing Love

Book recommendation
Amazing Love by Corrie ten Boom

(Some information from the back cover)

Despite the horrors even of the concentration camp, it is possible to find victory in Christ. Corrie ten Boom paints vivid word pictures of her firsthand experiences in
  • camps and jails, 
  • with actresses and students, 
  • the sophisticated and the illiterate. 

 Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Talk Thru the Bible

Book recommendation
Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa

(Information from the front cover)

From Walk Thru the Bible Ministries

A unique reference tool to help you easily
  • understand each book of the Bible, 
  • it's historical context, and 
  • its  place in Scripture as a whole.

(Information from the inside front cover)

From the Introduction

"The Bible the greatest work of
  • literature, 
  • history, and 
  • theology ever written. 
In its 
  • production, 
  • preservation,
  • proclamation, and 
  • product (changed history, changed lives), 
it stands as the most unique book in existence.

It is a unity out of a diversity of 
  • authors, 
  • time span, and 
  • literally forms. 
The Old and New Testament  smoothly blend to create a bold sweep from eternity past to eternity future, from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell.

In these sixty-six books we discover our 
  • past, 
  • understand our 
  • present , and 
  • attain hope for the future."

 Talk Thru the Bible is a concise and informative survey of the Bible written to help you see the purpose and unity of Scripture. Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa show how the different pieces of the Bible fit into the whole. 

Their study is especially helpful for 
  • pastors, 
  • teachers, and 
  • students, 
because it gives a broad overview of 
  • the major people, 
  • events, and 
  • teachings of the Bible.

Talk Thru the Bible is a great reference book for any student of the Bible.

Bible Basics at a Glance

If you've ever had a simple question about a certain book of the Bible, Such as....

Who came first, Hezekiah or Samuel?
What is the purpose of the book of Hebrews?
Why is the Song of Solomon in the Bible?

....then Talk Thru the Bible is for you.

In Talk Thru the Bible, Bruce Wilkerson and Kenneth Boa answer your basic Bible questions and provide helpful 
  • charts, 
  • diagrams, and 
  • maps. 
Adapted from the popular Walk Thru the Bible seminars Talk Thru the Bible is not a 
  • commentary or 
  • Bible handbook, 
  • but a guided tour through the Old and New Testaments. 
Because of its easy-to-use format, you'll be able-for any book of the Bible-to find:

  • The meaning of its name
  • Who wrote it
  • The date and setting
  • The theme and purpose
  • Its key words, verses,, and chapters
  • How Christ is presented (even in the Old Testament)
  • Its contributions to the Bible as a whole
  • A broad summary of the events and highlights it records
  • A detailed outline of the book

Talk Thru the Bible is a Bible survey designed to give you a quick clear overview of Scripture. Great for students, teachers, and pastors. 

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

The B Word

Book Recommendation
The B Word by Robert Strand

(Information from the front cover)

"This really works! It has changed our family."

The B Word
The Purpose & Power of 
The Blessing

(Information from the back cover)

Lives will change forever
When you unleash the power
of the B word!

"The most powerful concept I've witnessed."
"Nothing has impacted our church like this."
"My son's attitude has changed for the better."
"The blessing has made a fantastic difference!"  
"Nobody has ever blessed me until today!"
"Talk about something wonderful!"

These are a few of the remarkable statements of real people who have learned the power of a simple but often misunderstood word: blessing. The B Word will transform your life and the lives of those
close to you. It's an extremely effective pronouncement that imparts 
  • hope for a brighter tomorrow, 
  • emotional healing to the wounded, 
  • financial prosperity, 
  • longevity, and a 
  • multitude of other blessings.

The blessing was not just for Bible characters of long ago. It's power still transforms the lives of those who give it---and receive it today!

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Family Blessing

Book recommendation
The Family Blessing by Rolf Garborg

(Information from the front cover)

A simple parental act
that will help your children 
feel loved and cherished

The Family Blessing


Table of Contents

Forward / Garry Smally and John Trent

Part I    The Family Blessing
  1. How our family came to know the Blessing
  2. The Biblical Blessing
  3. What is the Family Blessing
  4. But does it work
  5. The Marci Straley Story
  6. Feedback from the Kids
  7. Getting Started
Part II    People of Blessing

     8. Speaking Well of Our Children
     9. There is Blessing in a Name
    10. Breaking Curses
    11. You Can't Saw Sawdust
    12. Grandparents, Godparents, and Other
         Supplementary Parents
    13. The Blessing As a Way of Life

Appendix: Some Blessing You Can Use

Thank you for reading my blog, God bless you.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Tramp for the Lord

Book recommendation
Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom with Jamie Buckingham 

(Information from the first page of Tramp for the Lord)

This remarkable woman spent the first 50
years of her life living peacefully with her 
father and sister above their watch shop in 
Haarlem, Holland.

When World War II broke out, this devoutly 
Christian family began providing "hiding 
places" for persecuted Jews.

Her great faith sustained her, then, through 
the several months in Nazi concentration 
camps, and the death of her father and sister.

Since her release she has been traveling all
over the world,captivating audiences with her
inspiring story.

This self-styled "tramp for the Lord" told of
that life in the bestselling THE HIDING 
PLACE. Here as moving and dramatic, as
filled with love and miracles, is the sequel to
that story.

(Information from the back cover)

The Story that Begins Where 
The Hiding Place Ended....

This is Corrie ten Boom's story: beginning
where her profoundly moving bestseller
ended, taking us on a uniquely thrilling tour 
to the nearest and farthest corners of the
earth. She is a modest and simple woman 
who has seen and known a world few others 
would imagine; a survivor of Hitler's worst 
Concentration camps and one of the most 
remarkable evangelists of our time.

Miracles do happen; Corrie ten Boom's life
is living proof. From her near-destitute days
in postwar New York to heart-stopping 
adventures in Africa, let her be your 
once-in-a-lifetime guide on a worldwide trip
that could only have been planned by God. 

Thank you for reading my blog, God bless you.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

8 Steps to Create the Life You Want

Book recommendation
8 Steps to Create the Life You Want by Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

The Anatomy of a Successful Life

(Some information from the inside front and back cover)

  • Do you long for God to give you fulfillment?
  • Are you frustrated by obstacles to your dreams and goals?
  • Are you resigned to the fact that"what's meant to be will be?"

No matter how things appear today, remember this: God wants you to live the good life! In fact, that truth is revealed in Ephesians 2:10, which states that before you were born, God determined your purpose and created a path that you would lead you to "the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live."

We all want to enjoy a great life, and God has provided
  • a wealth of wisdom, and 
  • direction in His Word to help us do just that. 
In this book, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar reveals the proven process that will lead to a life of success and total fulfillment. When applied, the steps outlined in this book will revolutionize your life and change even your most difficult situations.

Don't be afraid to open your heart and mind to the new direction in which God may be leading you. No matter where you are today--regardless of the directions you made yesterday--there is hope. Today is a new day filled with opportunity.

Your entire way of thinking is about to change. Get ready for it. Life can be as good as you make it, so make it good!

If you are ready to experience God's best and walk out His plan for life, lets take this journey together. This good life is available to you now! Step into it.

Dr. Creflo A. Dollar is the senior pastor and founder of
  • World Changers Church International in College Park, Georgia, 
  • World Changers Church--New York, 
  • World Changers Church--Battlecreek, Michigan,  
Dr. Dollar is a
  • popular conference speaker, 
  • the publisher of CHANGE magazine, and 
  • a respected author. 
His daily Changing Your World television broadcast reaches nearly one billion homes in almost every country of the world. Dr. Dollar lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife, Taffi, and five children. To learn more you can visit

(Some information from the back cover)

8 Steps to Create the Life You Want 
The Anatomy of a Successful Life 

No matter where you are today or what decisions you made yesterday, there is hope. Today is a new day filled with new opportunities. Your whole way of thinking is about to change. Uncover the proven process that will lead to a life of success and total fulfillment!

"Creflo Dollar does not write about theories.
  • He writes from results. 
  • He studies, 
  • He learns, 
  • He applies to his own life and 
  • then reports not only his success, but his mistakes and how to overcome them. 

That means 8 Steps to Create the Life You Want works. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and Dr. Creflo and Taffi. Dollar and their family are living proof of abundant life. Get it. Read It. You're only eight steps away from the life of joy you really want."

 ---Kenneth Copeland
      speaker,author and cofounder of
      Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

God's Smuggler

Book recommendation
God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew with John and Elizabeth Sherrill 

( Some information from the back cover) 

in my luggage
I have Scripture that I want to take
to your children across this border. When you
were on earth, You made blind eyes see.
Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind. Do not let
the guards see those things You do not want 
them to see."

Brother Andrew prayed, and the guards passed his
car bulging with Bibles across the Yugoslav
border in 1957. He began his mission to bring
the Word to worshipers cut off from their religion.
It was a mission fraught with peril and pathos,
financed by faith, supported by miracles.


"I am excited about this true account of  a modern
man's relationship with the living God.
GOD'S SMUGGLER blends most effectively the
elements of suspense, adventure,and the power of
faith in everyday life....a book you will
not want to miss."

--Catherine Marshall

(The end of some information from the back cover)

Brother Andrew - God's ambassador for Over 50 Years

Audio Sermons (Brother Andrew)

Al Hartley's adaptation from God's Smuggler
God's Smuggler Comic Book 

Thank You for reading my blog, God bless you.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence

Book: recommendation  
The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence by James W.Goll

Includes "The Practice of the Presence of God" 
by Brother Lawrence

(Some information from the back cover)

"...In your presence is fullness of joy; 
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever"
(Psalm 16:11).

Your heart has been created for the Presence of God and it is not complete without His Presence living within. Naysayers try to convince you that His Presence is exclusive and subjective but their voice is silenced by be desire yearning from within for  a union with with your Lord and Creator.

As a credible response for those who want to fill that inner void with His perfect union,  

The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence was written.

Author James Goll's Own journey into His Presence has brought him face-to-face with angels and the Lord. Jim has heard His voice and has moved in His Presence for many years, carefully recording what he now shares with you.

Joyfully you will discover how  the Lord covets union with you as much as you seek His Presence. You will also:
  • Discover the delight of quiet meditation.
  • Learn to wait and to watch with your Lord.   
  • Experience the joy of contemplative prayer.
  • Understand the fire of His love.
  • Learn about others' journeys sought and found the sweetness of His Presence.

The wisdom contained in this book will give you moment-by-moment confidence and hope as you journey toward the joy and pleasure of His Presence.


James W. Goll, is the co-founder of Encounters Network - a ministry to the nations. He has traveled across the globe imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit.

He is the founder of the God Encounters Training School , a member of the Harvest International Ministries Apostolic Team and the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.

He is the author of several books,  including
  • The lost Art of Intercession, 
  • God Encounters, 
  • Praying for Israel's Destiny, 
  • The Seer, and  
  • The Coming Prophetic Revelation.   
James and his wife, Michal Ann, have four wonderful children and reside in the hills of Franklin, Tennesse.

James W. Goll - website

Thank you for reading my blog, God bless you,

Saturday, 15 October 2011

A Hope and a Future

Book recommendation
A Hope and a Future by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis

A Hope and a Future
God's Plan for Your Life

Jeremiah 29:11-14

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

14 And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the Lord; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.

( Information from the back cover)

To the Israelites living in captivity in Babylon, It seemed like God had forgotten. They had been defeated in battle and taken hundreds of miles away to live in a heathen nation.

Their prayers for deliverance and help had not been unanswered. Then God gave Jeremiah a word of prophecy...He had a plan for them ... and He has  a plan for your life as well.

No matter how bad things are that you've experienced in your life, God is still at work. And nothing can ever separate you from His love or keep His is purposes from being fulfilled.

In this powerful message, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis unlocks the secrets of the Hebrew language to help you understand the depth and the power of God's promise for your future.

Rejoice in complete confidence in His love for you and the goodness of purpose in your life.

( End of information from the back cover)

Thank you for reading my blog, Shalom,

Friday, 14 October 2011

The Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Book recommendation
The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K. Scott 

 The Richest Man Who Ever Lived

King Solomon's  
Secrets to 
  • Success, 
  • Wealth, and 
  • Happiness
( Information from the inside flap,and the back inside flap)

In this short powerful book, multimillionaire and best-selling author Steven K. Scott reveals King Solomon's breakthrough strategies to achieve a life of financial success and personal fulfillment.

Steve Scott flunked out of every job, he held in his first six years after college. He couldn't succeed no matter how hard he tried.

Then  Garry Smalley challenged him to study the book of Proverbs, promising that in doing so he would achieve greater success and happiness than he had ever known. That promise came true.

In the The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, Scott reveals Solomon's key 
  • for winning every race,  
  • explains how to resolve conflicts, and 
  • turn enemies into allies, and 
  • discloses the five qualities essential to becoming a valued and admired person at work and in your personal life.

Scott illustrates each of Solomon's insights and strategies with anecdotes about his personal successes, and failures, as well as such extraordinary people as 
  • Benjamin Franklin,
  • Thomas Edison,
  • Oprah Winfrey,
  • Bill Gates, and
  • Steven Spielberg.
At once inspiring and instructiveThe Richest Man Who Ever Lived weaves the timeless truths of Scripture into a detailed road map for successful living today.
Steven K. Scott,
  • writer, 
  • producer, 
  • director, and
  • marketing entrepreneur,
Is the cofounder of American Telecast Corporation.

Along with his partners, he has created more than a dozen businesses that have achieved billions of dollars in sales. 

He has authored five international bestsellers and is a popular national speaker on the subject of personal and professional achievement.

( End of information from the inside flap,and the back inside flap)
" This is an exciting book.  It will change your life to one of excellence and success.  Though I, too, read a proverbs chapter a day, I have never seen it all mapped out so clearly and practically. This will help so many-- including me!"

--Ruth Graham, author of A Legacy of Love and  Legacy of Faith

"Phenomenal!" Steve Scott has 'cracked' the Solomon Code.  He takes the inspired wisdom of Solomon and transforms it into simple yet powerful steps we can take to solve any problem and achieve true filament and extraordinary success, at home and at work. 
Most important, he shows how anyone can partner with the ultimate mentor. This book will turn a purpose-driven life into a purpose-accomplished life!"

--Chuck Norris, movie and television star

"I've always loved the Proverbs, and Steve Scott converts Solomon's principles into specific, life-changing steps of action that anyone can take."

--Dr. David Jeremiah, Sr., Pastor, author of Sanctuary and Escape the Coming Night

Steve Scott's uncanny discernment enables us to understand Solomon's wisdom in a way that few of us ever have. More importantly, He shows us how to apply its life-transforming power to every important area of  
  • our lives--and marriages, 
  • our parenting, 
  • our jobs, and 
  • our faith."

--Michael Landon, Jr., writer, director, producer
2 Chron 1:7-12

7 In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.

8 And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast shewed great mercy unto David my father, and hast made me to reign in his stead.

9 Now, O Lord God, let thy promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude.

10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?

11 And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king:

12 Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.

Have a great day,
Thank you for reading my Blog, God bless you

Thursday, 13 October 2011

23 Minutes in Hell

Book recommendation
23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese

One man's story about what he saw, heard, and felt in that place of torment.

(Information from the back cover)

"My sincere hope is that  
This book is the closest you will ever come to experiencing hell for yourself."

Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell,felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony,terrorizing demons,and finally, the strong hand of God lifting  him out of the pit.

"Tell them I am coming very, very soon!"

Wiese's visit to the devils lair lasted just 23 minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory. Since this life-changing ordeal, he has spent the last seven years studying the Scriptures to find answers and has listed more than 150 Bible versus referencing hell.

Everyone is curious about the after life, and now Wiese shares his insights to commonly asked questions such as:
  • Is hell a literal burning place?
  • Where is hell?
  • Do you have a body in hell?
  • Are there degrees of punishment in hell?
  • Are there children in hell?
  • Can demons torment people in hell?
  • Can "good" people go to hell?

"Even if you don't believe my story, I hope you will believe the Scriptures and avoid hell  just the same."

Bill Wiese has been a dedicated Christian and has served in various capacities, including teaching and leading worship since the 1970. He has appeared on several television and radio shows and is an accomplished speaker. Bill is a successful realtor, with over 30 years of experience.  He lives with his wife, Annette, in Southern California.

Bill Wiese's website

Thank you for reading my blog, God bless you.

Friday, 7 October 2011

The Greatest Words Ever Spoken

Book recommendation
The Greatest Words Ever Spoken - Steven K. Scott  

( Information from the front cover) 
Over 1,900 statements of Jesus organized under more than 200 topics.

The Greatest Words Ever Spoken

Everything Jesus said about you, your life, and everything else.  

( Information from the front inside flap)
When you read The Greatest Words Ever Spoken, you come face-to-face with the truth and power of Jesus Christ. 
No mater what you are struggling with or what your question might be, Jesus provides wisdom and direction that will meet your need.

Reading Jesus' statements without the interruption of commentary or explanation intensifies the impact of His words on your life. 

This book is a unique guild for 
  • personal and family devotions, 
  • inspirational reading, and 
  • Bible study preparation.

 It is a valuable resource for
  • pastors and other speakers, for 
  • Bible teachers, and 
  • for anyone who shares the power of the Saviors teaching with others.

This easy-to-use resource puts everything Jesus said in the

New International Version of the New Testament

at your fingertips. In a single volume, you have access to the full wisdom of Christ addressing the crucial issues of life, including:

  • What Jesus said about Himself-- His Identity, mission, relationship to the Father, His divine claims, and more;   
  •  What Jesus said about success in life-- Compassion, forgiveness, reconciliation, relationships, and more;

    • What Jesus said about those who don't follow Him--false doctrine, hypocrisy, lust, pride,  sickness, sin, and more;
    •  What Jesus said about God reaching out to humanity--freedom, grace, justification, prophecy, the Sabbath, truth, and more;
    •   What Jesus said about eternity--angels, atonement, eternal life, resurrection, rewards, and more,

    ( Information from the back cover)

     Haven't you wished you could ask Jesus any question and get His immediate help with the biggest problems you face? now you can.

    For the first time ever, all the statements Jesus made in the New Testament have been brought together under more than two hundred practical, easy- to- find topics. 
    When you want to know His will in a specific area of life; 
    • you're seeking the answer to a perplexing question; or
    • you are desperate for His encouragement, 
    • comfort, or 
    • wisdom, 
    you can easily find the help you need.

    The moment you turn to the appropriate topic heading, you will have access to the breadth of Jesus' teaching on that subject. 

    You can also use this book as a guide for studying Jesus' wisdom on any topic of interest, such as 
    • prayer, 
    • forgiveness, 
    • eternity, 
    • anger, 
    • temptation, 
    • relationships, 
    • grace,or 
    • knowing God.

    As you immerse yourself in Jesus' words, your life and relationships will be transformed, and your faith and spiritual passion will be renewed. 

    Let the greatest words ever spoken bring new vision, power, and joy into your life- one statement at a time.

    "There is power in the Word of Christ! The Greatest Words Ever Spoken will help you experience His power like never before!"

    --Josh McDowell, author and speaker

    "It's a treasure chest of 
    • answers, 
    • promises, 
    • inspiration, 
    • encouragement, 
    • love, 
    • faith, and 
    • power for living that no Christian home should be without."

    --Dr. Gary Smalley, founder of Smalley Relationship Center and author of Change Your Heart, Change Your Mind

    Incredible! This amazing book enables us to quickly find everything Jesus said about each important 

    • question, 
    • issue, and 
    • problem we'll ever face. 
    What a gift to all of us who want to get to know Him better. 
    And I can't think of a better way for skeptics to discover who Jesus really is and what He's is all about.

    --Chuck Norris, actor, author of 
    Black Belt Patriotism: How to ReAwaken America  

    (End of information from the back cover) 

    Thank you for reading my blog
    Have a great day, and God bless you.

    Thursday, 6 October 2011

    When All Plans Fail

    Book and workbook recommendation
    When All Plans Fail by Paul L.Williams, MD 

    Be Ready for Disasters

    (Information from the back cover of the workbook).

    Disasters are becoming more frequent in the U.S. and around the globe.
    Ask yourself... "Am I Prepared?"

    Written by a leading expert in global disaster relief, this hope-filled book offers a practical, step by step, 21 day plan that will help  prepare you and your loved ones for disasters.

    About the Author:

    Paul R. Williams received his M.D. from Washington University School of Medicine., St. Louis, Missouri.

    He was, for 15 years, on the facility of the University of South Florida College of Medicine.
    In 1997 he founded International HealthCare Network.
    His more than 200 medical mission trips include relief efforts in Bangladesh, Indonesia, the continent of Africa and other nations.

    (From inside the book, When All Plans Fail.)

    What others have said about 
    Dr. Paul Williams and When All Plans Fail.

    " Dr. Paul Williams is one of the finest medical missionaries today.
    We have worked side by side many times in Latin America and in Africa where the needs are overwhelming.

    He is a tireless and compassionate servant who knows how to minister the love of God through medicine and I am proud to call him a brother and friend!"

     Paul Wilbur 
    Artist, Integrity Music

    Dr. Paul Williams is uniquely qualified to write a book on disaster preparedness.

    He has organized and led medical teams, including teams from our own In His Image International,
    in a number of  major world disasters since the early 1990's.

    • From the refugee camps created by the Rwandan Civil War 
    • to hurricane-ravaged Central America 
    • to tsunami devastation and 
    • earthquakes around the world, 
    he has been there.  

    Leading these teams into these areas of desperate need and destruction makes him practically experienced so that his recommendations on preparedness ring out as someone who has "been there, done that."

    And Dr. Williams in print is like Dr. Williams as a real-life team leader, a man who cares to give God's very best."

    John R. Crouch Jr., M.D.
    President, In His Image International

    " I have known  Paul Williams for over 40 years.
    He is a man with a heart for missions and people. It has been impressive to observe his vision as a medical missionary.

    His experience in over 100 nations with disaster relief work makes him well qualified to speak on the very important and relevant subject of disaster preparedness."

    Admiral Vernon E. Clark
    USN (Ret.), Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)

    (End of comments from inside the book, When All Plans Fail.)
    What others have said about Dr. Paul Williams and When All Plans Fail.

    I highly recommend purchasing the book and workbook.

    Thank you for reading my blog,
    Have a great day, and God bless you.

    When All Plans Fail

    How Can I Know God Personally?

    Wednesday, 5 October 2011

    More Than I Could Ever Ask

    Book recommendation
    More Than I Could Ever Ask by Lorrie Graham Bakker with Connie Reece

    The story of a Woman, Broken and Defeated, Who found that Dreams Really do come True.

    (Below, some information from the back cover)

    The thread of God's grace woven through a troubled life can bring
    • hope,  
    • peace, and  
    • fulfillment. 
    Lori Bakker's life is a radiant testimony to the wonderful love of God with all it's attributes:
    • forgiveness, 
    • reconciliation, and 
    • restoration. 
    This book is a refection on that power, is an encouragement to all of us who need God's marvelous recreation in our lives.
    • With God no one is hopeless!
     Ruth Bell Graham

    This Cinderella story will make you cry one minute and laugh the next.

    As one who has observed Lorrie Graham Bakker's dramatic life and the miraculous change from a tortured young woman to a great woman of God.

    I think that this book will capture and inspire you with 
    • faith,
    • hope and 
    • love.
    Tommy Barnett
    Senior Pastor, Phoenix First Assembly, Phoenix Arizona

    (End of some the information from the back cover)

    Steps to Peace with God

    Lori's book

    Lori's Blog

    Peace with God

    Thank you for reading my blog,
    Have a great day. God bless you.

    Monday, 3 October 2011

    A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth

    Book recommendation
    A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis 

    What happens when a Jewish man takes a serious  look at the life and works of the Man who claimed to be the Messiah?

    (From the back cover of the book A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth)

    Raised in a traditional Jewish family, international television host Jonathan Bernis was taught from a young age that "Jews don't - and can't - believe in Jesus." 
    Yet in his study of the Scriptures, including the Torah, he found overwhelming evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Jewish Messiah.

    • What do the prophets say about Jesus?
    • How did Jewish Yeshua become Gentile Jesus?
    • Is the New Testament anti-Semitic?
    • Whatever happened to Judaism?

    If you are a Jewish person seeking the truth about who Jesus really was and is, Bernis offers you loving evidence that counters common Jewish objections-and reveals a very different picture of Jesus than you may have been taught growing up.

    If you are a Christian  with Jewish friends, Bernis will equip you with the tools and knowledge to gently share your faith in an informed manner.

    You will be challenged by what you read, 
    but you may be even more surprised
    by what you discover.

    (End of the information from the back cover

    Table of Contents

    Introduction: a question that demands an answer.
    1.  My search for the "Real" Jesus.
    2. Jewish like me.
    3. Finding Jesus in the Old Testament.
    4. What do the Prophets say?
    5. How did Jewish Yeshua become Gentile Jesus?
    6. The Church turns against the Jews.
    7. A long thread of belief.
    8. Is the New Testament anti-Semitic?
    9. Finding Jesus in history.
    10. Biblical prophecy and the Messiah.
    11. Whatever happened to Judaism?
    12. Resurrection: Fact or Fiction.
    13. Evidence for the Virgin Birth.
    14. God wants to use you.

    Jewish Voice
    Reasons to believe in the Messiah 

    Thank for reading my Blog
    Shalom, the Lord loves you. 

    Answers and Hope for the Struggling Christians

    Book recommendation
    Answers and Hope for the Struggling Christians by Henry Warkentin

    Ignoring the devil's tactics is courting defeat.

    (Some information from the back cover of the book)

    Are you being Robbed?

    • Are you often discouraged?
    • Are you defeated repeatedly in the same area?
    • Do you want to know the truths that will set you free?
    • Do you want to experience Christs life through your daily living?

    In the garden of Eden, Eve was robbed of God's fellowship and blessing
    when she lost sight of God's truth and
    fell victim to Satan's strategy .

    You may be experiencing such a robbery today!

    Answers and Hope for the Struggling Christians
    will help you to navigate through life's struggles
    by bringing
    God's freeing truths into focus,
    guiding you into consistent and joyful Christian living.

    Thank you for reading my Blog. Have a great day.
    God bless you.

    Friday, 30 September 2011

    A Light in Darkness

    Book recommendation  
    A Light in Darkness Vol.1 by Rick Renner,

    A Light in Darkness is about the 7 messages Jesus gives to John to give to the 7 Churches from the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
    7 Churches
    1. Ephesus
    2. Smyrna
    3. Pergamum
    4. Thyatira
    5. Sardis
    6. Philadelphia
    7. Laodicea
    Volume 1, Contains The Island of Patmos, Ephesus, Smyrna

    Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and last: and,What thou seest, write in a book, and send unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 
    Revelation 1:11 the Bible (KJV)

    This book is easy to read, has many pictures, and other historical information of the time.

    Thank you for reading this Blog, and have a great day.