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Monday, 3 October 2011

A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth

Book recommendation
A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis 

What happens when a Jewish man takes a serious  look at the life and works of the Man who claimed to be the Messiah?

(From the back cover of the book A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth)

Raised in a traditional Jewish family, international television host Jonathan Bernis was taught from a young age that "Jews don't - and can't - believe in Jesus." 
Yet in his study of the Scriptures, including the Torah, he found overwhelming evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Jewish Messiah.

  • What do the prophets say about Jesus?
  • How did Jewish Yeshua become Gentile Jesus?
  • Is the New Testament anti-Semitic?
  • Whatever happened to Judaism?

If you are a Jewish person seeking the truth about who Jesus really was and is, Bernis offers you loving evidence that counters common Jewish objections-and reveals a very different picture of Jesus than you may have been taught growing up.

If you are a Christian  with Jewish friends, Bernis will equip you with the tools and knowledge to gently share your faith in an informed manner.

You will be challenged by what you read, 
but you may be even more surprised
by what you discover.

(End of the information from the back cover

Table of Contents

Introduction: a question that demands an answer.
  1.  My search for the "Real" Jesus.
  2. Jewish like me.
  3. Finding Jesus in the Old Testament.
  4. What do the Prophets say?
  5. How did Jewish Yeshua become Gentile Jesus?
  6. The Church turns against the Jews.
  7. A long thread of belief.
  8. Is the New Testament anti-Semitic?
  9. Finding Jesus in history.
  10. Biblical prophecy and the Messiah.
  11. Whatever happened to Judaism?
  12. Resurrection: Fact or Fiction.
  13. Evidence for the Virgin Birth.
  14. God wants to use you.

Jewish Voice
Reasons to believe in the Messiah 

Thank for reading my Blog
Shalom, the Lord loves you. 

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