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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Five Wealth Secrets

Five Wealth Secrets
 by Craig Hill

( Desciptions copied from Sid Roth's Website )

Craig Hill says, "If I don't reveal what God has shown me now next year will be too late!"

  • He has found ancient Biblical mysteries concerning finances that bring God's supernatural increase. 
  • Prepare and prosper even in the face of a world economy collapse.

Click below to

How to Know God

Watch on Sid Roth's Website - Interveiw with Craig Hill - On Finances

Sid Roth's webstore - Five Wealth Secrets - and God's Power to Get Wealth (8 CD series) - by Craig Hill

Sid Roth's Website - It's Supernatural

 Watch on Sid Roth's Website - Answers about Jesus

Craig Hill's website

How to Posses Your Inheritance!

Five Wealth Secrets.

If you gave 100 people $10,000 today, what results would we see one year from now?

  • We would probably see that: 80% would have $0 left -- 
  • 16% would have $10,500 -- 
  • 4% would have between $20,000 and $1,000,000. 
But why?

Because 96% of us have never been taught to practice the Five Secrets that result in
  • natural, 
  • supernaturaral, and 
  • generational wealth multiplication.

Discover five simple biblical principles that anyone could implement, but most people don't.

Implementing these Five Secrets in your life could radically change not not only
  • your current financial situation, 
  • but the financial future of your children and 
  • grandchildren.

God's Power to Get Wealth.

  • What is "Sparrow Faith"? 
  • Is "mammon" a spirit or just another name for money? 
  • What is the difference between "wealth" and "riches" -- and should a Christian posses either one?      

In this dynamic and recently recorded 8-CD series,
Craig Hill shares his insight concerning these and many other questions about
  • finances, 
  • budgeting, 
  • stewardship and more. 
This teaching will revolutionize your thinking and bring blessing to your financial future.

Craig Hill, and his wife, Jan, live near Denver, Colorado.
  • Craig and Jan give senior leadership to Family Foundations International (FFI). 
  • FFI is a non-profit Christian Ministry through which life-changing seminars are conducted in many nations of the world. 
  • Craig has written several books, including his best seller, "The Ancient Paths."

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God bless you.


Thursday, 18 October 2012

Freedom from Generational Sins & Curses

 Freedom from Generational 
Sins & Curses

Sid Roth's interview 
Guest Graeme Walsh
( Description from Sid Roth's Website)

Graeme Walsh shares that few recognize their enemy when several generations have
  • sickness, 
  • divorce, and even 
  • poverty
running down their family line.

He urges you to close the door on generational curses AND he tells how.

Watch Freedom from Generational Sins & Curses - Sid Roth's interview with Guest Graeme Walsh 

How to Know God

Sid Roth's Website

( Description from Sid Roth's Website) 

Don't Keep it in the Family

Graeme Walsh knows personally, sometimes we wrestle with the root  causes that are deeper than we understand

This teaching  is based on research by Graeme from experiences in his own life.

Three generations of his family were affected by generational curses.

He shares how God broke the curses over his own 
  • life and 
  • family 
and how you can apply the same Scriptures and revelations to break them over your family. 

(They will thank you.)

Many have been set free and healed through his teaching.

Don't wait another generation!

Sid Roth's webstore - Freedom from Generational Sins & Curses - ( Manuel & 3CD set )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


 CD recommendation

by Katie Souza

Total Transformation

(Information from the back of the CD cover)

Did you know that taking offense can cause physical sickness in your body?

In this powerful 4 part CD series, Katie Souza reveals the
  • emotional, 
  • physical, and 
  • spiritual toil that offense can have on you.  

Katie then goes on to reveal the Biblical keys to living un-offendable, being untouched by offense and it's negative effects.

You will also learn how to heal past wounds of offense and begin experiencing supernatural healing and breakthrough.

Many people have experienced physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by applying the anointed teachings in this powerful series.

Expected End Ministries

Expected End Ministries - Web store - Stay Un-offendable

Steps to Peace with God

Sid Roth's interview with Katie Souza

Katie Souza and the Expected End Ministries team teach and equip people how to move in the supernatural and cause the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest on earth.

Through this ministry, thousands of people have experienced physical and emotional healing and have been equipped to fulfill their God given destinies.

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God bless you.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Glory Within

Book Recommendation

             The Glory Within             
 by Corey Russell

The Interior Life
and the Power of 
Speaking in tongues

(Information from the back cover) 

Glorious Language 

And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied (Acts 19:6)

The Glory Within is about 
  • the glory of the new birth, 
  • the indwelling Spirit,and
  • your call right now to access the life of God within you--through speaking in tongues.

 And these signs will follow those who will believe: 
In My name they will cast out demons; 
they will speak with new tongues
(Mark 16:17).

Many Christians don't realize the abundant, glorious benefits found in speaking in tongues. Realizing this gift brings you closer to God and your spiritual destiny in a variety of ways:
  • Engaging the revelatory realm of mysteries
  • Edification 
  • Building a capacity for God
  • Successful spiritual warfare
  • Holiness
  • And many other spiritual realities  

The lack of revelation of what you now possess and how to intimately access God may result in a less-than-fulfilling Christian experience and lifestyle.  

The Glory Within awakens your spiritual senses and inner spirit so you can become the person God created you to be.   

 Corey Russell is on the senior leadership team of the International House of Prayer. In addition to 30 hours a week in the prayer room, he serves as the director of the Forerunner Program.

He travels nationally and internationally preaching and teaching about 
  • the knowledge of God, 
  • intercession, and 
  • the urgency of the hour.
   He resides in Kansas City, Missouri, with his wife, Dana, and their three daughters, Trinity, Mya, and Hadassah.

Corey Russell's website

Corey Russell website - The Glory Within

You-Tube: officalcoreyrussell 

Peace with God - Billy Graham's website

International House of Prayer website

International House of Prayer - Prayer Room - Prayer and Whorship - 24/7 Live webstream

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God bless you.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Winning in Troubled Times

Book Recommendation

Winning in Troubled Times  
by Creflo Dollar

God's Solution for Victory
over Life's Toughest Challenges

( Book Description from Creflo Dollar's Website)

 Creflo Dollar shares transforming ways to deal with the challenges and hardships everyone faces today.

 Dr. Dollar not only helps those who are struggling to identify there troubles, he also shows them how to find the path to true happiness.

 Dr. Dollar equips readers to move beyond trials in areas such as 
  • marriage,
  • family, 
  • finances, 
  • relationships, 
  • parenting, 
  • career, and 
  • health.

Even those suffering from personal struggles and addictions can claim Victory and Healing through faith in God's Word.

With the right attitude and mind-set anyone can overcome life's obstacles and move on to success! 

Readers will discover the keys to acquiring 
  • character, 
  • hope, and 
  • answers necessary for growth and excellence.  

 Dr. Dollar equips readers with the tools needed to 
  • transform their thinking, 
  • bring the message of hope into everyday practice, and 
  • produce real results in their lives.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

One New Man Bible

Book recommendation

One New Man Bible

Revealing Jewish Roots and Power

Click below to watch 
It's Supernatural with Sid Roth,  interview guest 
Bill Morford 
About the One New Man Bible, 
Revealing Jewish Roots and Power

Sid Roth's interview with guest Bill Morford about the One New Man Bible

Sid Roth's - It's Supernatural webstore - One New Bible

Click to find out "How to know God"

Sid Roth's - It's Supernatural website

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God bless you

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Dressed to Kill

Book Recommendation

You Don't Have to Take It
Anymore, Because You Are...

to Kill 

A Biblical Approach
to Spiritual Warfare and Armour
by Rick Renner

(Information from the inside front flap)

Spiritual battles are just like natural battles. Nations don't constantly engage in warfare; they fight when a problem comes along.

Afterward, their soldiers return home, experience a time of peace and refreshing, and don't fight again until there is a reason to fight.

The same is true of Biblical spiritual warfare . Battles will come, but they won't come everyday.

God has given us spiritual weaponry so that when battles do come, we will be prepared to maintain our victorious position over Satan.  

This book was written with this principle in mind. The teaching contained within these pages is not designed to make you run around looking for the devil behind every door.

Rather, it is designed to help equip you so that when battles do come, you will be prepared to stand against them.
-- Rick Rennner, Dressed to Kill

(Information from the back cover)

A Classic 
On Spiritual Warfare 

Dressed to Kill is a classic volume that has become a defining work in the area of Biblical spiritual warfare. 

Over the years, 
  • Bible Schools,
  • Churches,
  • Scholars, and
  • Pastors
have relied on this solid, scriptural presentation of true spiritual warfare as a measuring line for truth regarding
 this crucial yet often-misunderstood subject.

In this book Rick provides an in-depth study of Roman armor, giving us unique insight into the purpose of spiritual armor in the lives of believers. 

This updated, reedited hardback edition of  Dressed to Kill also includes a full color insert of  illustrations depicting every piece of armor the Roman soldier wore in preparation for battle.

Dressed to Kill presents a scripturally sound, strategic approach to thwart every onslaught of spiritual wickedness. 

 The truths contained within it's pages will help you discover both your ability and your responsibility to enforce Satan's defeat at Calvary so you can walk out God's perfect plan for your life.

About the 

Rick Rennner is a highly respected leader and teacher within the Christian community, both in the U.S. and abroad. 

He fills a unique position in the modern Christian world, combining a extraordinary depth of scriptural and practical knowledge with an easy-to-understand, faith-filled approach to the Bible. 

Many internationally renowned Christian leaders seek out his insight on 
  • doctrine,
  • theology, and
  • practical application.

Rick and his wife Denise work together to see the
  • Gospel preached,
  • leadership trained, and the
  • Churches established around the world. 

Rick's broadcast,"Good News With Rick Renner" can be seen across the entire former USSR. 

He has distributed hundreds of thousands of teaching audio and videotapes, and his best-selling  books have been translated into four major languages. 

Rick is also the founder of the Good News Association of Pastors and Churches, through which he oversees and strengthens more than 800 churches throughout the former Soviet Union and Israel. 

In addition, Rick and Denise pastor the fast-growing Moscow Good News Church, located in the very heart of Moscow, Russia.

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God bless you.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Eyes of Honor

Book Recommendation
Eyes of Honor by Jonathan Welton

Training for Purity & Righteousness

(Information from the back cover)

 Open your pure eyes.

Whatever things are true, 
Whatever things are noble, 
Whatever things are just, 
Whatever things are lovely, 
Whatever things are of good report, 
if there is any virtue, and 
if there is anything praiseworthy-- 
meditate on these things 
(Philippians 4:18)

After struggling with sexual temptation for years, author Jonathan Welton devoted himself to finding a way to be completely free from sexual sin. 
  • He read books, 
  • attended 12-step groups, and 
  • participated in counseling 
  • --with no success.

Spurred on by countless friends and acquaintances who shared a similar broken struggle and longed for freedom, the author searched Scripture--there he found the answer and shares it with you in a compassionate, nonjudgmental way.

Eyes of Honor helps you understand how to live a life of purity by realizing:
  • Your personal identity
  • How to view the opposite sex correctly
  • Recognizing your enemies  

 Eyes of Honor is honest and refreshing, 
offering hope and complete freedom and deliverance from sexual sin. 

Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and your salvation guarantee rescue from the appetite of sin. 
your true identity empowers you to stop agreeing with the lies of the enemy that ensnare you. 

Eyes of Honor - Jonathan Welton webstore

Jonathan Welton website 

Eyes of Honor - Sid Roth's webstore 

How Can I Know God Personally - Josh McDowell's website

A fifth generation believer, 
 Jonathan Welton is propelled by a powerful 
Christian heritage. 
Exhibiting extraordinary wisdom as a teacher, 
he helps people discover fresh experiences of 
Kingdom realities. 

He earned two Masters Degrees and was honored with the National Herald of Christ award.  

Jonathan is the best selling author of 
  • The School of Seers: A Practical Guide on how to See into the unseen. 

He and his wife, Karen, live in Rochester, New York.

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God Bless you,


Friday, 18 May 2012

If Only He Knew

Book recommendation
If Only He Knew 
by Gary Smalley with Steve Scott

If Only He Knew
What No Woman Can Resist

(Information from the back cover)

Do you want your wife to:
  • Understand you?
  • Appreciate you?
  • Be more responsive sexually?
  • Support you during hard times?
  • Admire you?
  • Share your interests?
  • Listen to what you have to say?

Gary Smalley explains a

  • woman's deepest needs, shows a man how to meet those needs, and 

  • gives ten simple steps to strengthen any marriage. 

  • He helps men understand not only how to respond to a woman's feelings, but also how to make her feel important. 

  • Using humorous and touching illustrations from his own life, as well as case histories and Biblical examples, 

Gary Smalley in  
If Only He Knew 
maps a blueprint to a better marriage. 

 Gary Smalley's Website

Gary Smalley's Free Personality Test

Smalley Store - If He Only Knew

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God bless you.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

To Know Him

Book recommendation

To Know Him

Beyond Religion Waits a Relationship 
That Will Change Your Life

Gloria Copeland

(Information from the back cover)

To Know Him 

 What if one morning you found
Jesus sitting 
at your breakfast table?

Your schedule would instantly change. 
  • Priorities would be re-arranged. 
  • Somehow, those things that have to be done now would just have to wait.


Because you have an opportunity to talk with Jesus!
  • You want answers to the questions that have been troubling you, and 
  • you are eager to receive clear, specific direction for your life. 
  • But more than that, you'll be able to hear His voice,
  • to enjoy the peace and refreshing that comes from talking with God and getting To Know Him.

The exciting thing is, you can have all those things today, 

Jesus has already re-established communication between God and man.
Now, you can enjoy moment-by-moment communication with one who knows
  • every dream, 
  • every desire, and 
  • every need of your heart. 
All you have to do is follow His simple instructions found in His Word.

Begin this amazing relationship today and discover how to:
  • Recognize His voice when He speaks to you
  • Talk to God comfortably, without fear or anxiety
  • Share your heart with Him openly and honestly
  • Find answers to your specific questions
  • And more!

God desires your companionship and longs for time with you.
  • He has made a way to a rewarding and fulfilling relationship like none you've ever known. 
  • Now it's up to you to make the effort to go beyond religion and begin enjoying what it truly means                                              To Know Him.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries 

Kenneth Copeland Ministries - website store - To Know Him

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God bless you

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The Way They Learn

Book recommendation
The Way They Learn
By Cynthia Ulrich Tobias

How to discover and teach to
your child's strengths

(Information from the back cover)

Parents, Home
Schoolers, and Teachers!
Help Children Make the Most
of Their Education

Sandy has three children--none of them are alike. 
  • One studies on the floor with school papers strewn everywhere, 
  • another lies on the bed with the radio blaring, and 
  • another the third sits at the dinner table with cookies in hand! 
It used to drive her crazy. After all, this isn`t how she was raised!

But it is The Way They Learn.

In this enlightening book,
Cynthia Ulrich Tobias introduces the variety of learning styles that shape the way students interpret their world.

Once these approaches are understood, parents and teachers can become far more effective in helping children grasp confusing concepts, stay interested in lessons and utilize their strengths.

For instance, in teaching vocabulary words,
  • some children respond best using flash cards, 
  • while others need verbal drills, and 
  • a third group thrives on using body movements to help recall the definitions. 
By recognizing a child`s learning preferences, you can reach them more leniently and effectively!

Tobias` work is required reading for any 
  • parent or 
  • teacher who truly wants to see their kids succeed in school. 
These concepts are powerful tools for drawing out the best in a child.

Give your youngsters 
the best chance for success 
by coming to understand  

The Way They Learn.

Cynthia Ulrich Tobias website

Cynthia Ulrich Tobias website store - The Way They Learn

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God bless you.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Making Love Last Forever

Book recommendation
Making Love Last Forever by Gary Smalley

(Information from the back cover)

Learn How to Make Love and
Romance Last--Forever

Are you looking for a love guarantee

In this extraordinary book, marriage expert Gary Smalley shows you how to stay in love through all the stages of life.

 From first attraction to lifelong commitment.

Gary`s proven techniques and practical advice show you
  • how to pursue and keep the love you want, and 
  • how to energize your relationship with enduring, passion-filled love. 
  • With memorable word pictures,
he reveals the secrets behind his `love guarantee.``
  • Love`s Best-Kept Secret
  • Love`s Number One Enemy
  • Love`s Cliff Notes for Men  

Open this book and 
begin your journey to 
`forever love.` 

(Information from the inside flap)

For years Gary Smalley has helped millions of couples throughout North America enrich their relationships and deepen their bonds of love and companionship. In Making Love Last Forever he reveals exciting new techniques he's teaching in seminars across the country and on his video tapes, Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, which have sold over eight million copies.

In these pages you'll learn how to:
  • Understand and use love's best-kept secret
  • Deal with the number one enemy of love
  • Turn headaches into more love 
  • Increase your energy to keep loving
  • Find the power to keep on loving your spouse
  • Use normal conflicts as doorways to intimacy
  • Read a woman's built-in marriage manual twelve ways
  • Divorce-proof your marriage  
  • Develop the five vital signs of a healthy marriage 
  • Respond to your partners number one request
  • Find the powerful secrets to great love 
  • Bring out the best in your maddening mate

  • Humor,
  • Empathy, and
  • Insight.
Gary Smalley inspires you to fall in love with life and enjoy the deep satisfaction of a life long love.

  • Down-to-earth examples, 
  • touching personal experiences, and 
  • inspiring spiritual principles 
will motivate you to bring about positive changes in your marriage-weather or not your mate is a willing participant.

You'll learn how to tap resources at hand to help you follow through with your journey-and make your love last forever.

Gary Smalley website

Smalley Store - Keys to Loving Relationships on DVD 

Free Personality Test 

Free download on Core Fears Test 

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God bless you.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Resurrection Factor

Book recommendation
The Resurrection Factor by Josh McDowell

Does the historical evidence support the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Copyright 1981

(Information from the back cover)  

If Jesus Christ wasn't raised 
from the dead, the Christian 
faith is worthless!

Can the resurrection be proven beyond 
any reasonable doubt?  

Josh McDowell has spent hundreds of hours over thirteen years combing the annals of history. Here is comprehensive and compelling evidence. You'll discover: 
  • What authenticates the truth of any historical event.
  • The extreme security precautions taken at the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth.
  • The historical evidence that a supernatural event emptied the tomb.
  • How to answer theories advanced by skeptics to explain away the empty tomb.
  • The incredible implications of the resurrection to maximum life in the twentieth century.

Read with an open mind.
The Resurrection Factor
can bring
  • new conviction, 
  • fresh purpose and 
  • extraordinary joy to your life.

Josh McDowell website

How can I know God personally 

Evidence for the Resurrection - Josh McDowell's webstore

Josh McDowell's newer book-  
Evidence for the Resurrection.
by Josh & Sean McDowell

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God bless you.

Monday, 26 March 2012

The Promise

Book recommendation
The Promise by Hal Lindsey

Copyright 1982

(Information from the back cover)

Nothing Can Equal 
The Triumphant Miracle Of...

In this most startling bestseller yet, Hal Lindsey demonstrates
  • how the coming of the Messiah was promised throughout the Old Testament, and 
  • how the Scriptures of the New Testament prove that this promised Messiah is Jesus.

How can an understanding of the prophetic promises of the past give hope to believers that the promises of the future will all be kept?

What are these extraordinary promises of the future--the great sequence-of final events that will touch all our lives?

Hal Lindsey is the author of
The Late Great Planet Earth, 
the #1 nonfiction bestseller of the 1970's.

Hal Lindsey Website 

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God bless you.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Healing the Whole Man

Book recommendation
Healing the Whole Man by Joan Hunter

  • DVD's or CD's 
  • Handbook and
  • Workbook

Effective Prayers for 
Body, Soul, and Spirit 

Healing the Whole Man 

(Information from the back cover)

Why am I (or my loved ones) 
still sick and suffering when 
God says He wants us to have good health?

You can walk in divine health and healing. 

The secrets to God's words for healing and recovery are in this
  • comprehensive, 
  • easy-to-follow guidebook 
  • containing powerful healing prayers that 
  • cover everything from abuse to yeast infections and everything in between. 

Truly anointed with the gifts of healing.

Joan Hunter has over thirty years of 
experience praying for the sick and 
brokenhearted and 
seeing them healed and set free.

This book will show you how to:
  • Understand the causes of sickness and disease.
  • Recognize the symptoms and procedure for healing.
  • Administer healing prayers effectively.
  • Identify God's call on your life.

You can be
  • healed, 
  • set free, and 
  • made totally whole--body, soul, spirit!

"We received more miracle reports when 
Joan Hunter 
was a guest on 
It's Supernatural! 
than from any other interview."

--Sid Roth, Host, It's Supernatural! TV - Joan Hunter Ministries - Video and Audio teachings

Joan Hunter's website

Joan Hunter's webstore -  Healing the Whole Man book

Joan Hunter's webstore - Bible College on Healing - Pearl Pack

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God bless you.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Power to Heal

Book recommendation
Power to Heal by Joan Hunter

Experiencing the Miraculous

(Information from the back cover)

 Healing the Sick

Joan Hunter reveals powerful truths about healing and being whole.

Through this dynamic book, you can...

  • Gain complete freedom from oppression.
  • Overcome the mistakes of your past.
  • Learn the keys to true forgiveness.
  • Understand what blocks healing.
  • End the cycle of dependency.
  • Learn how to break generational curses.
  • Break the devil's authority.

God has provided the miracle you need. 
Believe and receive today.

"Joan moves in the miraculous....
The anointing of God rests upon her."

  --Marilyn Hickey, Founder and President,
     Marilyn Hickey Ministries

Joan Hunter website

Power to Heal - Joan Hunter webstore

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God bless you.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

A Quest for Answers - The DaVinci Code

Book recommendation
A Quest for Answers - 
The DaVinci Code
by Josh McDowell

(Information from the back cover)

Just where does Fact End
and Fiction Begin

The brilliant mix of facts and fiction in Dan Brown`s gripping conspiracy story The DaVinci Code raises serious questions about the origins and claims of Christianity. 

Many come away from the book or movie with their beliefs shaken or wondering just what is true and what is not.

  • Was Mary Magdalene really Jesus`wife and the mother of His child?
  • Did the Church suppress the truth and fabricate Jesus`claim to divinity?
  • Is the Bible as we have it really accurate and authentic?
  • Did Jesus really come back from the dead?

In the The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers, best selling author Josh McDowell addresses these and other questions raised by Brown`s book. Drawing on the mountains of historical evidence, 

McDowell skillfully separates fact from fallacy and presents unassailable truths that readers can depend on to be rock solid.

Internationally known author and speaker  
Josh McDowell has spoken to more than 
ten million people 
in eighty-four countries at over 
700 universities and colleges. 

He has authored or coauthored more than
one hundred books with more than forty-two million in print. 
McDowell's most popular works are  
The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict and
 More Than a Carpenter.
His most recent book is
The last Christian Generation. 

He holds a graduate degree from 
Talbot Theological Seminary. 
He has been married to his wife Dottie for thirty-four years and 
has four children. 
Josh and Dottie live in Dana Point, California.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Friday, 24 February 2012

How to Stop the Pain

Book recommendation
How to Stop the Pain  By Dr. James B. Richards

Pain is Inevitable 
Suffering is Optional 

(Information from the back cover)

     Pain is Inevitable    

We all experience pain! Every day millions of people live in a world of heartache.

We're forced to smile and pretend that everything is all right. You've been wounded, and you just can't seem to heal.

You try to get on with your life, but you just can't move on. You forgive, but you can't forget!

Every day exhumes the pain you try to bury. It cripples your relationships with people.

God, and life itself. It destroys your ability to pursue your dreams.

This paradigm-shattering book will free you from the forces that would turn you into a victim.

It will lead you step-by-step through a simple process that will free you from the pain of the past and protect you from the pain of the future.

Discover the 
Emotional Freedom 
that Everyone
wants but few 

  • Break the secret link to pain of the past
  • Identify the number one source of suffering 
  • Never be hurt by another insult
  • Learn the only Biblical way to prevent pain
  • Free yourself from the need to judge others 
  • Experience freedom from criticism

     Suffering is Optional  

    Thank you for reading my blog.
    God bless you.

    Saturday, 18 February 2012

    Satan's Dirty Little Secret

     Book recommendation
    Satan's Dirty Little Secret 
    By Steve Foss

    The Two Demon Spirits
    That All Demons
    Get Their Strength From  

    (Information from the back cover)

    Exposing the Secret 
    Strategies of the Enemy

    Satan's Dirty Little Secret, exposes two of the most devastating yet hidden demons Satan has ever released. From the Garden of Eden until our present day, Satan has used the same secret strategy to
    • bind, 
    • oppress, 
    • confound, and 
    • deceive mankind. 

    This prophetic revelation given in a vision to Pastor Steve Foss exposes this secret strategy of the enemy and gives readers the keys to total victory.

    You will understand how this dynamic duo of demonic spirits empowers every other spirit and how you can defeat them.

    Leaders from around the world call this one of the most significant breakthroughs in revelation that they ever had.

    How can I know God personally?

    Steve Foss Ministries Website

    Watch - Steve Foss on - It's Supernatural

    Satan's Dirty Little Secret and Fearless - Book and 3 CD's

    (From page ix)


    God has truly used Evangelist Steve Foss to expose some of the most pernicious strategies used by the devil to sideline God`s people from fulfilling their potential.

     Steve`s revelations do not come from the ivory tower, but from face-to-face ministry with tens of thousands of young people and hundreds of thousands on the foreign field and in revival services all over America.

    Through  Steve`s diligence in applying what I taught him - not to deal with the surface, but to go into the spirit world to defeat the enemy -- Steve has been rewarded with valuable nuggets of truth to share with the body of Christ on the devils devices.

    --Dr. Morris Cerullo
    Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

    Thank you for reading my blog.
    God Bless you.