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Saturday, 18 February 2012

Satan's Dirty Little Secret

 Book recommendation
Satan's Dirty Little Secret 
By Steve Foss

The Two Demon Spirits
That All Demons
Get Their Strength From  

(Information from the back cover)

Exposing the Secret 
Strategies of the Enemy

Satan's Dirty Little Secret, exposes two of the most devastating yet hidden demons Satan has ever released. From the Garden of Eden until our present day, Satan has used the same secret strategy to
  • bind, 
  • oppress, 
  • confound, and 
  • deceive mankind. 

This prophetic revelation given in a vision to Pastor Steve Foss exposes this secret strategy of the enemy and gives readers the keys to total victory.

You will understand how this dynamic duo of demonic spirits empowers every other spirit and how you can defeat them.

Leaders from around the world call this one of the most significant breakthroughs in revelation that they ever had.

How can I know God personally?

Steve Foss Ministries Website

Watch - Steve Foss on - It's Supernatural

Satan's Dirty Little Secret and Fearless - Book and 3 CD's

(From page ix)


God has truly used Evangelist Steve Foss to expose some of the most pernicious strategies used by the devil to sideline God`s people from fulfilling their potential.

 Steve`s revelations do not come from the ivory tower, but from face-to-face ministry with tens of thousands of young people and hundreds of thousands on the foreign field and in revival services all over America.

Through  Steve`s diligence in applying what I taught him - not to deal with the surface, but to go into the spirit world to defeat the enemy -- Steve has been rewarded with valuable nuggets of truth to share with the body of Christ on the devils devices.

--Dr. Morris Cerullo
Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

Thank you for reading my blog.
God Bless you.

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