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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Breaking the Apocalypse Code

(Description from  Sid Roth's website)

Perry Stone pioneered understanding 
the Hebraic roots of the Book of Revelation, 
  • the key to the signs and 
  • the seasons we are living in. 

You must understand it, and Perry can help.

Sid Roth's interview with Perry Stone

Sid Roth's Radio interview 
with Perry Stone

Breaking the Apocalypse Code
(7- DVD Set & Syllabus) - by Perry Stone

Revelation Wake-Call!

Perry Stone has meticulously created a comprehensive study of  Revelation on 7 DVD's, entitled Breaking the Apocalypse Code, with an extensive 100-page Study Guide.

His fascinating and clear teachings will unlock prophetic mysteries predicted in the Book of Revelation. Perry's understanding of the
  • ancient Biblical Feasts, 
  • Temple and 
  • priestly codes 
will clarify truths about end times and the return of Jesus.

You will begin to understand God's revelation to John on the island of Patmos. Your eyes will be opened  to these and other mysteries in the Book of Revelation:
  • The Apocalypse Code and the Heavenly Temple
  • The Heavenly Throne Room and beginning of the Tribulation
  • The Millenial Code: the 1,000 year reign of Messiah, the king

Perry also explores quetions like...
  • Who are the Two Witnesses?
  • Who is the Beast?
  • What is Mystery Babylon?
  • What is the mysterious Mark 666?

Perry Stone has investesd over 80,000 hours in studying the Bible. Now you can study with him and review his valuable insights!

Sid Roth's webstore - Breaking the Apocalypse Code 
(7- DVD Set & Syllabus)

Unleashing the Beast  
Revised Edition  (Book)

What in the World Is Going On?

There is an unsettling mood hanging like storm clouds over North America.
  • Why is there so much upheavel on so many levels? 
  • Where is America moving, and where is the world heading? 
  • Who will emerge from among the sea of nations as the survivor and the leader?

In times of uncertainity, you want to know that things are under contol and happening as planned.

In Unleashing the Beast, Perry Stone demonstrates how Biblical prophesies are played out on the world stage today. In this informative and prophectic stirring book, you will discover...

  • That Biblical prophesies and Islamic traditions both point to the rise of a coming kingdom and a global dictator who will sieze the world.
  • The role that current global concerns have in setting the stage for these End Time events to unfold.

That God is-and always has been-in control in the midst of it all.

Sid Roth's webstore- Unleashing the Beast - Revised Edition  (Book)

Perry Stone is a fourth generation minister and director of Voice of Evangelism
  • He is recognized as a leading author and teacher on Bible prophecy. 
  • Perry is joined in ministry by his wife Pam. 
  • They reside in Cleveland, Tennesse.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

It's Supernatural Network

(Description from Sid Roth's Website)

Welcome to the New
It's Supernatural! Network (ISN) 

God has entrusted us with the 
ISN – a major end-time 
communications network that can reach
  • computers, 
  • tablets and 
  • smartphones 
worldwide 24/7!

To watch It's Supernatural Network-
click below

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Defeating Mental Illness

(Description from Sid Roth's Website)

God healed Nick Griesmann from 
"incurable" schizophrenia! 

Now he will teach you supernatural self-deliverance he learned from God - 

so you and others can be set free from spirits that torment your mind with feelings of
  • unworthiness, 
  • fear and 
  • rejection! 

Your loved ones can find freedom from mental and emotional disorders!

Sid Roth's Interview with Nick Griesmann -
click below

Freedom for Intimacy, 
Defeating Mental Illness & 
Freedom through Self-Deliverance
by Nick Griesmann

The Power of Being God's Friend

Freedom for Intimacy. 

Out of his own personal victory, Nick Griesmann teaches the supernatural principles of 
  • healing, 
  • deliverance, and
  • intimacy and friendship with the Holy Spirit.    

His teaching includes:
  • How evil spirits influence your life
  • Overcoming physical and mental torment 
  • Personal warfare and self-deliverance 
  • Learning how God relates to you
  • Things you can do to draw closer to Him
  • Benefits to knowing God intimately 

Defeating Mental Illness  

In his early twenties, Nick Griesmann was diagnosed with "incurable" mental illness called schizophrenia. 

After being told by numerous people (doctors, counselors, and case managers) in the public behavioral healthcare system that he was without hope for recovery, 

Nick started to pray and seek God for his healing.

Defeating Mental Illness was written to encourage those that maybe struggling with a mental health challenge. 

Nick share some of the life changing steps he took to help him to fully recover from "incurable" schizophrenia.

Nick draws from his own experiences of recovery and also from his years working as the administrator for the very same behavioral healthcare provider that served him as a patient.

A recommended read not only for the mentally ill, but for anyone who works with them or has a mentally ill loved one.

Freedom through Self-Deliverance 

On this powerful DVD, Nick teaches on the supernatural principles of  self-deliverance. 

You will learn the keys to self-deliverance so that you can be free from evil spirits that influence your life. 

Through this teaching many have experienced 
  • physical, 
  • mental and 
  • emotional healing. 
you can now walk in total victory over the enemy. 

Also on this DVD, Nick ministers healing and deliverance and will lead you through prayers of deliverance. 

Freedom for Intimacy, Defeating Mental Illness & Freedom through Self-Deliverance -Sid Roth's webstore

Nick Griesmann was supernaturally healed of  "incurable" schizophrenia.

He has since given his life to help as many people as he can find hope in Messiah Jesus.

He is founder of The Father's Friends, a ministry to that pursuit.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Today Hear His Voice

(Description from Sid Roth's website)

In Jerusalem, 
Gary Whetstone had a vision of all of history. 

In it people didn't hear God or 
refused to follow His instructions. 

Their good works were then 
burned with fire. 

But God showed Gary how to
 hear clearly and fulfill his destiny!

Sid Roth's interview with Gary Whetstone - 
click below

Sid Roth's radio interview with Gary Whetstone - click below

Today Hear His Voice 
(6-DVD Set & Guide)
By Gary Whetstone

God Made Us to Hear His Voice

This is the most important tool I have ever offered, and I believe that it will totally revolutionize your walk with the Lord - Sid

Dr. Gary Whetstone discovered the supernatural key то discerning God's voice above all others. Then he  used it to revolutionize
  • his life, 
  • his marriage and 
  • his church. 

He has recorded his God-given revelation on a compelling 6-DVD set. You'll experience the Lord in a new dimension and learn how to cut off the voices of the world -
  • voices of logic,
  • success, 
  • lust of the flesh,
  • negative friends,
  • media and others.
 The voice of the Lord will become prevalent in your life.

In these last days, you want to be certain that you are hearing God's voice unmistakably.
  • Know what God has for you each day, 
  • grow in your ability to minister and 
  • put negative voices behind you!

Today Hear His Voice - Sid Roth's webstore

Gary Whetstone 
 is senior pastor and founder of  
Victory Christian Fellowship in 
New Castle, Delaware, and 
founder of 
Gary Whetstone Worldwide Ministries. 

He has devoted his life to helping others experience freedom in every area of life through the Word of God.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Learn How to Hear God

(Description from Sid Roth's website) 

Richard Mull learned to hear 
God at the seminary. 
But it wasn't in the classroom! 

He also learned that most of us 
don't hear God much.

Are you ready for that to change? 

Watch  Sid Roth's interview 
with Richard Mull - 
click below

Listen Sid Roth's Radio interview 
with Richard Mull - 
click below

God Speaks Interactive Bible and 
Learn How to Hear God (workbook) 
by Richard Mull

Read the Bible for the First Time Again!

The God Speaks Interactive Bible highlights in different colors everywhere in the Scripture where
  • God speaks directly, 
  • Every supernatural event
  • Every word spoken by angels
  • Every healing
  • Every miracle 
  • And more

You will clearly recognize every time and every way God speaks.

You will grow in faith to walk every day in the supernatural.

And you will be able to discern
  • God's voice and 
  • direction in your life!

There is no other Bible like this!
  • With it's beautiful and durable leather-like cover, 
  • New English Translation will quickly become your favorite Bible for reading and studying!

When I held the 
God speaks Bible 
in my hand for the first time, 
I could see instantly how it could change my 
Bible reading forever!
Dave Condiff

Learn How to Hear God

Included is Richard Mull's powerful and life-changing 
four-week course, 
Learn How to Hear God. 

This easy-to-understand workbook takes you on a journey from the basics of 
  • "Does God still speak today?" 
  • all the way through more mature facets of hearing God.

Richard Mull is the Founder o
Operation Light Force. 

His mission is to equip men and woman to 
think, act, and be like Jesus for their entire lives.  

Richard has written several books including:
  • the Jesus Training Manuel 
  • Lord Heal Me
  • the 40 Day Revolution
  • God Speaks
  • Learn How to Hear God
  • A Journey through the Book of Acts, and
  • the God Speaks Bible.

God Speaks Interactive Bible and Learn How to Hear God (workbook) - Sid Roth's webstore

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Friday, 1 November 2013

True Identity & Biblical Healing and Deliverance

(Description from Sid Roth's website)

God gave Chester Kylstra,
Four Keys to 
Healing problem marriages and families.

He says when you do them,
there is no place for 
the enemy to operate in your life.

Sid Roth's  -  Interview with
Chester & Betsy Kylstra  - Click below

Sid Roth's  - Radio Interview with
Chester & Betsy Kylstra  - Click below

True Identity & Biblical Healing and Deliverance
Live Free Here and Now!

True Identity. The Lord's revelation the way stronghold's of
  • Shame,
  • Fear, and
  • Control
work together as one stronghold clearly show the path to
  • Freedom, and 
  • Healing.
It will
  • help you get free and
  • equip others to get their freedom too. 

Shame as opposed to guilt, is that sense of being uniquely and hopelessly flawed.

Like rejection, it brings powerful oppression as we accept the lie that "this who I am."

This core ungodly belief denies our true identity.

Shame-Fear-Control have many manifestations depending on how a person chooses to cover up their shame.

This 3-CD set includes
  • teaching, and 
  • ministry 
 to start the process of dismantling this unseen super-stronghold.

A word of caution. 
Some have experienced intense deliverance during the ministry portion - 
Please avoid listening to the ministry session while driving.

Biblical Healing and Deliverance.

The symptoms of spiritual bondage are almost everywhere you look, but the good news is this oppression  can be replaced by the
  • joy, 
  • peace, and 
  • freedom 
God's healing brings.

With more than 14 years experience in healing and deliverance, Chester & Betsy Kylstra have developed a unique approach that offers lasting results integrating four key areas usually treated as separate issues:
  •  Sins of the fathers and resulting curses
  • Ungodly beliefs
  • Soul/spirit hurts
  • Demonic oppression

The Kylstras present 
  • detailed grounding, 
  • real-life examples and 
  • genuine practicality. 
Biblical Healing and Deliverance will restore you to God's lasting freedom.

Chester & Betsy Kylstra 
have been ministering healing and deliverance specifically related to 
Fear-Shame-Control with remarkable success since 1994. 
They reside in Hendersonville, NC.

True Identity & Biblical Healing and Deliverance - Sid Roth's webstore.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Amazing Love [Story of Hosea] Movie

Amazing Love 
[Story of Hosea] Movie

Amazing Love Review and Trailer

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Title Deed - Israel

Click below to watch

Title Deed - Israel
Hal Lindsey Report -  9 / 20 / 2013

  1. Click on                     
  2. Scroll down to the 9 / 20 / 2013 broadcast.
  3. Then click on the picture.

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Steps to Peace with God - ( text version )

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Get a Grip & Overcoming Faith

( Description from Sid Roth's website )

Sid Roth's Interview with 
Zona Hayes-Morrow

Zona Hayes-Morrow is the daughter of one of the "generals of the faith," Norvel Hayes.

Thirteen times she faced life threatening diseases -
  • kidney failure, 
  • heart disease and 
  • cancer. 

But Zona had a gift from God, supernatural stubborn faith that never quits! She wants to impart it to you.

Click below to watch 

Sid Roth's Interview with Zona Hayes-Morrow.


 Faith that is Beyond Giving Up!


Get a Grip.  


  • Are you desperate to know what to do when you feel that you have come to the end of your rope?
  • Do you want to enjoy the freedom of going after God with all your heart?

As storms come in life, we are looking for an answer to help move forward in the midst of adversity.

In this book, Zona Hayes-Morrow shares parts of her personal testimony to help you hang on and to tighten your grip on the rope.

Overcoming Faith. ( 3-CD Set )


Zona says we need to 
  • walk in the love of God with everyone and 
  • speak faith and the Word of God in our daily lives.

From her personal experience she knows  it works when facing a battle. She encourages every believer to do the same regardless of circumstances. Powerful!

Get a Grip & Overcoming Faith  - Sid Roth's webstore  - Click below

Zona Hayes-Morrow is the
  • director of New Life Bible College, 
  • chief of staff for Norvel Hayes Ministries and
  • senior pastor of New Life Bible Church.

She has a powerful testimony of how the Lord has delivered her from numerous diseases, such as
  • lupus and 
  • kidney failure.
 Her burden is to see God's power set people free.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.


Friday, 28 June 2013

Faith Magnified - How to be Free from Doubt-aholism

 ( Description from Sid Roth's website )

Jennifer LeClaire has gone through tremendous difficulties and circumstances, but out of it she learned keys to supernatural faith!

Through revelation God taught her how to teach you to have what Jesus called "great faith."

Click below to hear 
Sid Roth's interview with  Jennifer LeClaire.

TV Interview

Radio Interview

Steps to Peace with God

Close the Doors to Unbelief

"Doubt is the Doorway to unbelief." When the Holy Spirit spoke those words to Jennifer LeClaire she went on a mission to root this invisible enemy of faith that was hindering God's promises from manifesting in her life.

In Faith Magnified, she's passing on what she learned on her path to unshakeable faith. With a spiritual warfare awareness,

Jennifer exposes doubt for what it really is:
  • a devil that robs your prosperity,
  • your health and 
  • your destiny.

Based on Scripture and practical lessons from overcoming doubt in her own life, Jennifer developed a 12- step program for doubt-aholics that guarantees victory over unbelief.

Armed with her teaching, you can stop doubt dead in it's tracks and build faith that overcomes the world.

"Great faith" demands results. Develop yours and you'll never lose another spiritual battle.

 In Faith Magnified, Jennifer equips you to:
  • Discern the subtle voice of doubt and unbelief
  • Avoid the dream killer called self-doubt
  • Develop the "great faith" that demands results
  • Fight the good fight of faith and have victory every time

 Jennifer LeClaire is a prophetic voice and teacher in the Body of Christ.  

She serves as
  • news editor for Charisma magazine, 
  • director of the International House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and 
  • executive pastor of Praise Chapel,  Hollywood, FL.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The Day the Dollar Died & Are You Ready?

(Description from Sid Roth's website) 

Paul McGuire has studied Mark of the Beast technologies for 30 years.

He says the government can already use TV's and computers to monitor us at home or office - weather turned on or not!

The Day the Dollar Died - Sid Roth's TV interview with Paul McGuire - watch online

The Day the Dollar Died - Sid Roth's radio interview with Paul McGuire - listen online

Sid Roth's webstore -The Day the Dollar Died & Are You Ready? - Book & 3-DVD's

Steps to Peace with God

One World Government is Waiting...

The Day the Dollar Died 

 is being called the most important book on Bible prophecy since The Late Great Planet Earth.

The recent financial meltdown was not a surprise to everyone.

Powerful international financial interests want changes in the current
  • military and 
  • economic order, 
and they see widespread crisis as the means to usher  in a
  • one world economic system and 
  • world government, 
  • complete with a unifying religion.

Paul McGuire traces the diverse influences of the
  • Council on Foreign Relations, 
  • the Federal Reserve, 
  • shadow technologies and 
  • social engineering 
  • along with the roles they are playing in bringing about end events prophesied in the Bible.  

He addresses plans to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency as soon as 2018, part of a vision to move beyond today's social order into a humanist new world order.

As far reaching as it is eye opening, The Day the Dollar Died  brings Bible prophecies into sharp focus needed today to spark both
  • repentance and 
  • prayer 
to turn America back to God!

Are You Ready?

In this 3-DVD set Paul is a watchman warning
  • what is about to come and what and 
  • what you can do about it. 

Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a
  • one world government, 
  • a one world economic system and 
  • a one world religion, 

Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets.

The Bible tells us "My people will perish for the lack of knowledge.

" Most people don't have any idea what is about to happen, and there are few to warn them.

This DVD series answers questions on how you and your family can aviod calculated deceptions as this season draws near.

Paul McGuire has been writing on Bible prophecy since 1991. He has made extensive studies of
  • microchip and 
  • RFID technology, 
  • New Age religion, 
  • international banking and 
  • financial market manipulations, and 
  • the New World Order movement.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Friday, 7 June 2013


Where is there Peace today? 
Click below on peace.

Click for - Are You Ready?

Are you Ready?
The Storyteller - Special Edition
Allen Early's Story

Click for the -  Story Teller Page

To Listen to the 
Gospel Radio Broadcast 

Click on - Story Teller - Gospel Radio Broadcast - Listen Online   
  1. Go to the 1 year Archive 
  2. Click on the drop down arrow
  3. A list will appear
  4. Select a program and click on it
  5. Then click GO
  6. A new page will appear
  7. Click on Listen or Download

 Listen on the Radio

U.S. Stations
Canadian Stations

Nations One for Christ

Nations One for Christ - website

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Friday, 26 April 2013

From Curses To Blessings

(Description from Sid Roth's website)

Craig Hill has found a supernatural key that the first Jewish believers in Messiah understood.

He teaches how to open up blessings and get rid of the curses.

It brings God's extraordinary blessings to your family, for their health and their emotions.

Click to Hear Sid Roth's interview with Craig Hill

(Description from Sid Roth's webstore)

The Power of a Parent's Blessing (book) & 
Soaking Up The Father's Blessing 
 (2 CD set)  

How God Uses Parents to Bless

The Power of a Parents Blessing. 

There are seven critical times in life God intends every person to receive an impartation of
  • identity and 
  • destiny. 

In the first six God uses parents, and in the seventh He uses adult children to impart blessings back to their parents.

The primary connotation of the Hebrew word Baruch, "to bless,"  is to "empower and prosper."

While parents who. through lack of knowledge, fail to bless - or actually curse - may spiritually and emotionally cripple the child. 

Craig Hill answers key questions for each critical time in a child's life, including 
  • What is the key identity and destiny question to be answered in the heart of the child?
  • When is the appropriate time to bless?
  • What are the potential consequences of not blessing?
  • What is the role of each parent in blessing at this specific time?
  • What are practical tools to use in blessing? 

 Soaking Up the Fathers Blessing

As you listen to this powerful series, expect to receive a transformation in your 
  • health, 
  • finances, 
  • family, 
  • relationships 
  • and more.
 All areas of your life will be restored as you learn to soak up the Father's Blessing.

In this series you will be mentored by 14 anointed teachers. They include:
  • Sid Roth, 
  • Dr. Gary Whetstone, 
  • Bill Ligon, 
  • Rich Vera, 
  • Tony Kemp, 
  • Craig Hill, 
  • David Martin, 
  • Kerry Kirkwood, 
  • Mike Shreve, 
  • Steven Brooks, 
  • Leif Hetland, 
  • Dr. John Benefiel, 
  • Mark Matthews and 
  • Mahesh Chavda.

Craig Hill, and his wife Jan, live near Denver, Colorado.

Craig and Jan give senior leadership to Family Foundations International (FFI).

FFI is a Christian ministry which conducts life-changing seminars in many nations.

Craig has written several books, including his best seller, The Ancient Paths.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Unshackled (Radio Drama)

Click below on  
  1. Unshackled and 
  2. scroll down to the archive lists 2003 - 2013, and 
  3. click on one of the years and 
  4. then select a program to listen to.


How to Get to Heaven

Steps to Peace with God

  ( Description from the website )


Real people...stirring, dramatic accounts of hopelessness, and the hope that changes everything.

'Unshackled!' the award-winning radio drama from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago,
gripes the heart with compelling and relevant stories of transformed lives.

Without Jesus Christ, we are all shackled by sin--
  • by our wrong choices, 
  • disobedience and 
  • selfish motives. 

But God is at work, and and the power of Christ sets us free of our bondage. We are..."Unshackled!"  

Since 1950, Pacific Garden Mission has produced this unique series, making "Unshackled!" the longest running radio drama in history.

Still produced in the style of the "Golden Age" of radio, every element is live at the time of production--the

  • original music,
  • the creative sound effects and, 
  • of course, the dynamic performances of talented professional actors.

Today "Unshackled!" is broadcast around the world almost 12,000 times each week on over 2,600 radio outlets. 

In addition to the English broadcast, it is translated and re-dramatized in
  • Spanish, 
  • Arabic, 
  • Russian, 
  • Romanian Polish, 
  • Korean, 
  • Japanese, 
  • Farsi, 
  • Albanian, 
  • Greek, 
  • Macedonian, 
  • Turkish, and 
  • Portuguese.

 Thank you for reading my blog.
 God bless you.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Make Fear Bow

Description from Sid Roth's webstore 

Make Fear Bow
Fear Has No Claim to a Heart 
that Belongs to the Lord

Your fear is your darkest secret, but as a believer life doesn't have to be this way.

You can and should live in confidence and peace.

Discover with Dr. Gary Whetstone how you can make fear bow.

Through this powerful book and CD set you will understand the causes of fear.

Using time-tested Biblical principles, you will learn to conquer your fears and walk in God's freedom.

Dr. Gary Whetstone is senior pastor and founder of
  • Victory Christian Fellowship in New Castle, Delaware, and 
  • Gary Whetstone Worldwide Ministries.

He has devoted his life to helping others to experience freedom in every area of life through the Word of God.

 Sid Roth's interview with - Dr. Gary Whetstone

Make Fear Bow - Book & 4CD Set - Sid Roth's webstore

Gary Whetstone Worldwide Ministries website

Steps to peace with God - God Loves You

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

It's Not Over - There's Always Hope When You Trust God.

Description from Sid Roth's webstore

It's Not Over
There's Always Hope 
When You Trust God.

Book. After writing the song "It's Not Over," 

Ricardo came face-to-face with one of those moments when a tragic accident left his son's life hanging in the balance. 

If you are in the fight of your life, or your fight seemingly ended in sorrow, you might not see how anything good can come from your situation. 

But Ricard's message to you is echoed in the words of his song 'It's Not Over."God is there and you can trust Him.

2 CD-Set. ( 1 music, 1 teaching )  

It's Not Over is full of passion and energy, 

Introducing new songs such as 
  • "Shout Out' and 
  • worship ballads  
  • "It's Not Over," and 
  • "Relentless." 
 The message of God's grace and goodness resonates clearly!

Ricardo Sanchez is a 
  • Grammy nominated, 
  • Dove Award-winning international worship leader and 
  • conference speaker 
Richardo, his wife and 3 sons reside in Atlanta, Georgia.  

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Waterproof KJV Bible

 Description from
 The Pathfinder Store - 
Outfitters of the Pathfinder School, LLC

Brief Description:
  • Extremely Durable Synthetic Pages
  • 100% Worry Free
  • Stain Resistant
  • Ultra Clear Text
  • Ideal for Gear or Backpack
  • Dry Highlight 
  • Write and Underline
  • No bleed Thru
The durability of the Waterproof Bible gives you the freedom to take God's Word with you anywhere -
  • lounging, 
  • traveling, 
  • camping, 
  • missions... 

with worry free confidence that your Bible will stand the test of time.

  • 712 pages
  • 5 7/8" x 8 3/4"
  • 8 pt. font

  • 100% Waterproof Synthetic Paper and Binding

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Your Pathway to Miracles & God's Authority

Your Pathway to Miracles & 
God's Authority 
by Marilyn Hickey

 ( Description from Sid Roth's website )

Walk in God's Miraculous Authority

 Your pathway to Miracles. (Book)
  • Do miracles just "happen"? 
  • Or is there a path we can walk to discover how to live continuously in the miraculous?  

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a miraculous book, and miracles are available to us today because God's Word promises them.

Renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey describes a number of the remarkable miracles she has witnessed in her years of ministry.

With her signature down-to-earth style and solid Biblical teaching, she takes you step-by-step as she encourages you to trust God to work great miracles in and through you.

You will discover:
  • Miracles come in different sizes: small, great and giant
  • The way miracles are birthed and grow
  • How God prepares us to receive miracles 
  • How to find the miracles you hold in your own hand
  • The way to receive 
                miracles of healing,
                financial prosperity and
                restored relationships
  • How God turns overwhelming problems into miraculous opportunities 
  God wants you to live a supernatural life. Start walking Your Pathway to Miracles.

God's Authority: Use It or Lose It.
(2 CD's) 

Use it or lose it! 

Marilyn Hickey says we must be fully persuaded to move in God's authority. In the power of His authority, we can shape the unseen.

Marilyn says when we fed on His Word our faith rises up. The power to heal comes even when we don't sense the anointing.

Adam surrendered areas of dominion in this realm, but Jesus reversed the field.

Now we are His anointed servants and agents. Be persuaded and you will see the miraculous!

Marilyn Hickey, along with her daughter Sarah, has helped millions of individuals overcome setbacks and live the Bible.

Today their ministry sends a clear message of
  • love, 
  • hope and
  • healing. 
Their daily television program, Today with Marilyn and Sarah, is enjoyed worldwide. 

Sid Roth's interview with Marilyn Hickey 

Sid Roth's webstore - Your Pathway to Miracles (book) & God's Authority (2 CD's) by Marilyn Hickey

Marilyn and

Steps to Peace with God

Thank you for reading my blog.
God Bless you.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Find Rest , Spirit to Spirit & Heaven's Embrace

Find Rest, 
Spirit to Spirit & 
Heaven's Embrace 
 by Julie True

( Description from Sid Roth's website )

Julie True Wants You to Breathe the Atmosphere of Heaven

Find Rest. 
Step into an atmosphere of peace and healing, and find rest for your soul.

Julie's new release, Find Rest, was recorded live during the
Father's Embrace Conference at Seattle Revival Center.

Spirit to Spirit. 
As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us.
Simply rest in His presence, receive and interact.

The refreshing of the Holy Spirit will lift you to a place of thankfulness.

Many are healed as the heart of God moves while they soak in these heavenly songs.

Heaven's Embrace.
Is a spontaneous worship and prayer experience that was recorded live at
Grace Center in Franklin, Tennessee.

The atmosphere was like a soaking journey, and along the way God poured out His love.

We found an intimate, heavenly realm where we simply embraced the joys of being with God.

No one wanted to move!

Julie True's desire is for the interweaving of
  • vocal songs and 
  • instrumental music 
to provide an  atmosphere of rest in God's presence,
where His hope and healing minister unto you.

Watch Sid Roth's interview with - Julie True - Find Rest, Spirit to Spirit & Heaven's Embrace

Sid Roth's webstore - Find Rest, Spirit to Spirit & Heaven's Embrace (3 CD's) - by Julie True

Steps to peace with God

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Harbinger End Time Mysteries

End Time Mysteries
by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn is known for bringing out the deep mysteries and rich revelations of God's Word, as well as restoring the original Biblical Jewish context and flavor of the New Testament.

He leads the Hope of the World, an outreach dedicated to spread the Word of God and the love of God through
  • television, 
  • radio, 
  • shortwave, and 
  • more. 

Hope of the World also reaches out through projects of compassion to the world's poorest.

Jonathan also leads the Jerusalem Center (& Beth Israel) a worship center made up of  Jewish and Gentile people in Wayne, New Jersey, located outside New York City.

Includes 6 Teaching CD's,

  • The Chanukah Mysteries: The End Time Blue Print
  • The Chanukah Mysteries: The Apostasy & the Resistance
  • The Chanukah Mysteries: The Woman, The beast & the saints.
  • The Moon , the Stars & The Scroll of the Priests
  • The Mystery of the Goel

  • The Harbinger continues (1)
  • Rabbi Cahn at Morningside (2)

Jim Bakker show. - with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - August 2012 broadcast

End Time Mysteries - Jim Bakker Show website - Love gift offer

Steps to Peace with God

The Harbinger website

Beth Israel Whorship Center

Hope of the World website

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.