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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The Day the Dollar Died & Are You Ready?

(Description from Sid Roth's website) 

Paul McGuire has studied Mark of the Beast technologies for 30 years.

He says the government can already use TV's and computers to monitor us at home or office - weather turned on or not!

The Day the Dollar Died - Sid Roth's TV interview with Paul McGuire - watch online

The Day the Dollar Died - Sid Roth's radio interview with Paul McGuire - listen online

Sid Roth's webstore -The Day the Dollar Died & Are You Ready? - Book & 3-DVD's

Steps to Peace with God

One World Government is Waiting...

The Day the Dollar Died 

 is being called the most important book on Bible prophecy since The Late Great Planet Earth.

The recent financial meltdown was not a surprise to everyone.

Powerful international financial interests want changes in the current
  • military and 
  • economic order, 
and they see widespread crisis as the means to usher  in a
  • one world economic system and 
  • world government, 
  • complete with a unifying religion.

Paul McGuire traces the diverse influences of the
  • Council on Foreign Relations, 
  • the Federal Reserve, 
  • shadow technologies and 
  • social engineering 
  • along with the roles they are playing in bringing about end events prophesied in the Bible.  

He addresses plans to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency as soon as 2018, part of a vision to move beyond today's social order into a humanist new world order.

As far reaching as it is eye opening, The Day the Dollar Died  brings Bible prophecies into sharp focus needed today to spark both
  • repentance and 
  • prayer 
to turn America back to God!

Are You Ready?

In this 3-DVD set Paul is a watchman warning
  • what is about to come and what and 
  • what you can do about it. 

Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a
  • one world government, 
  • a one world economic system and 
  • a one world religion, 

Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets.

The Bible tells us "My people will perish for the lack of knowledge.

" Most people don't have any idea what is about to happen, and there are few to warn them.

This DVD series answers questions on how you and your family can aviod calculated deceptions as this season draws near.

Paul McGuire has been writing on Bible prophecy since 1991. He has made extensive studies of
  • microchip and 
  • RFID technology, 
  • New Age religion, 
  • international banking and 
  • financial market manipulations, and 
  • the New World Order movement.

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

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