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Friday, 6 May 2016

They Thought for Themselves

Book recommendation

They Thought for Themselves
Daring to Confront the Forbidden
 Sid Roth

(Information from the back cover)

This book is the result of a dream. 
  • I was instructed to find and interview Jewish people  who broke through the mold of their previous experiences to achieve their destiny. 
  • Everyone has a special destiny, but few reach it.

The people in this book come from widely divergent backgrounds including a 
  • holocaust survivor, 
  • a multimillionaire, 
  • a media executive, and 
  • a Ph.D. 
They range in upbringing from an atheist to Orthodox.

What is the common denominator among those in this unusual group?

  • They all thought for themselves and they dared to confront the forbidden.

If you have ever thought that there 
must be something more to life, 
you might be right!

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

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