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Wednesday, 19 August 2020

More Than a Carpenter - Josh McDowell

More Than a Carpenter
by Josh McDowell & Sean McDowell 

Who is Jesus?
  • Is Jesus God?
  • Did Jesus rise from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of God?
  • How can this change my life now and after death? 

 Jesus Is Unique

Jesus is Unique - (11 videos) - YouTube - Josh McDowell

  1. Jesus Claimed to be God
  2. People, Culture & Language
  3. John's Account
  4. Matthew's Account
  5. Mark's Account
  6. Mark/ Trial of Jesus
  7. Jesus Followers
  8. Reasoning (CS Lewis)
  9. Trilemma (Lord, Liar or Lunatic?)
  10. Jesus is Lord
  11. Unique in Surviving Manuscripts 

 More Than a Carpenter - Book

Table of Contents
  1. My Story
  2. What Makes Jesus So Different?
  3. Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? 
  4. What about Science?
  5. The Challenge of the New Atheism
  6. Are the Bible Records Reliable?
  7. Who Would Die for a Lie?
  8. What Good is a Dead Messiah?
  9. Did You Hear What Happened to Saul?
  10. Can You Keep A Good Man Down?
  11. Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up?
  12. Isn't There Some Other Way?
  13. He Changed My Life
About the Authors

Josh McDowell's website 

Josh McDowell - More Than a Carpenter - Tyndale House Publishers -YouTube

Who is Yeshua?

Steps to Peace with God - ( video version )

Former Muslim Faisal Malick Testimony 
(Amazing encounter with God)

Thank you for reading my blog.
God bless you.

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