Book recommendation
The brilliant mix of facts and fiction in Dan Brown`s gripping conspiracy story The DaVinci Code raises serious questions about the origins and claims of Christianity.
Many come away from the book or movie with their beliefs shaken or wondering just what is true and what is not.
McDowell skillfully separates fact from fallacy and presents unassailable truths that readers can depend on to be rock solid.
A Quest for Answers -
The DaVinci Code
by Josh McDowell
(Information from the back cover)
Just where does Fact End
and Fiction Begin
The brilliant mix of facts and fiction in Dan Brown`s gripping conspiracy story The DaVinci Code raises serious questions about the origins and claims of Christianity.
Many come away from the book or movie with their beliefs shaken or wondering just what is true and what is not.
- Was Mary Magdalene really Jesus`wife and the mother of His child?
- Did the Church suppress the truth and fabricate Jesus`claim to divinity?
- Is the Bible as we have it really accurate and authentic?
- Did Jesus really come back from the dead?
In the The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers, best selling author Josh McDowell addresses these and other questions raised by Brown`s book. Drawing on the mountains of historical evidence,
McDowell skillfully separates fact from fallacy and presents unassailable truths that readers can depend on to be rock solid.
Internationally known author and speaker
Josh McDowell has spoken to more than
ten million people
in eighty-four countries at over
700 universities and colleges.
He has authored or coauthored more than
one hundred books with more than forty-two million in print.
McDowell's most popular works are
The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict and
More Than a Carpenter.
His most recent book is
The last Christian Generation.
one hundred books with more than forty-two million in print.
McDowell's most popular works are
The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict and
More Than a Carpenter.
His most recent book is
The last Christian Generation.
He holds a graduate degree from
Talbot Theological Seminary.
He has been married to his wife Dottie for thirty-four years and
has four children.
Josh and Dottie live in Dana Point, California.
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