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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

A Quest for Answers - The DaVinci Code

Book recommendation
A Quest for Answers - 
The DaVinci Code
by Josh McDowell

(Information from the back cover)

Just where does Fact End
and Fiction Begin

The brilliant mix of facts and fiction in Dan Brown`s gripping conspiracy story The DaVinci Code raises serious questions about the origins and claims of Christianity. 

Many come away from the book or movie with their beliefs shaken or wondering just what is true and what is not.

  • Was Mary Magdalene really Jesus`wife and the mother of His child?
  • Did the Church suppress the truth and fabricate Jesus`claim to divinity?
  • Is the Bible as we have it really accurate and authentic?
  • Did Jesus really come back from the dead?

In the The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers, best selling author Josh McDowell addresses these and other questions raised by Brown`s book. Drawing on the mountains of historical evidence, 

McDowell skillfully separates fact from fallacy and presents unassailable truths that readers can depend on to be rock solid.

Internationally known author and speaker  
Josh McDowell has spoken to more than 
ten million people 
in eighty-four countries at over 
700 universities and colleges. 

He has authored or coauthored more than
one hundred books with more than forty-two million in print. 
McDowell's most popular works are  
The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict and
 More Than a Carpenter.
His most recent book is
The last Christian Generation. 

He holds a graduate degree from 
Talbot Theological Seminary. 
He has been married to his wife Dottie for thirty-four years and 
has four children. 
Josh and Dottie live in Dana Point, California.

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God bless you.

Friday, 24 February 2012

How to Stop the Pain

Book recommendation
How to Stop the Pain  By Dr. James B. Richards

Pain is Inevitable 
Suffering is Optional 

(Information from the back cover)

     Pain is Inevitable    

We all experience pain! Every day millions of people live in a world of heartache.

We're forced to smile and pretend that everything is all right. You've been wounded, and you just can't seem to heal.

You try to get on with your life, but you just can't move on. You forgive, but you can't forget!

Every day exhumes the pain you try to bury. It cripples your relationships with people.

God, and life itself. It destroys your ability to pursue your dreams.

This paradigm-shattering book will free you from the forces that would turn you into a victim.

It will lead you step-by-step through a simple process that will free you from the pain of the past and protect you from the pain of the future.

Discover the 
Emotional Freedom 
that Everyone
wants but few 

  • Break the secret link to pain of the past
  • Identify the number one source of suffering 
  • Never be hurt by another insult
  • Learn the only Biblical way to prevent pain
  • Free yourself from the need to judge others 
  • Experience freedom from criticism

     Suffering is Optional  

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    God bless you.

    Saturday, 18 February 2012

    Satan's Dirty Little Secret

     Book recommendation
    Satan's Dirty Little Secret 
    By Steve Foss

    The Two Demon Spirits
    That All Demons
    Get Their Strength From  

    (Information from the back cover)

    Exposing the Secret 
    Strategies of the Enemy

    Satan's Dirty Little Secret, exposes two of the most devastating yet hidden demons Satan has ever released. From the Garden of Eden until our present day, Satan has used the same secret strategy to
    • bind, 
    • oppress, 
    • confound, and 
    • deceive mankind. 

    This prophetic revelation given in a vision to Pastor Steve Foss exposes this secret strategy of the enemy and gives readers the keys to total victory.

    You will understand how this dynamic duo of demonic spirits empowers every other spirit and how you can defeat them.

    Leaders from around the world call this one of the most significant breakthroughs in revelation that they ever had.

    How can I know God personally?

    Steve Foss Ministries Website

    Watch - Steve Foss on - It's Supernatural

    Satan's Dirty Little Secret and Fearless - Book and 3 CD's

    (From page ix)


    God has truly used Evangelist Steve Foss to expose some of the most pernicious strategies used by the devil to sideline God`s people from fulfilling their potential.

     Steve`s revelations do not come from the ivory tower, but from face-to-face ministry with tens of thousands of young people and hundreds of thousands on the foreign field and in revival services all over America.

    Through  Steve`s diligence in applying what I taught him - not to deal with the surface, but to go into the spirit world to defeat the enemy -- Steve has been rewarded with valuable nuggets of truth to share with the body of Christ on the devils devices.

    --Dr. Morris Cerullo
    Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

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    God Bless you.

    Wednesday, 15 February 2012

    The Harbinger Book

    Book recommendation
    The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn

    The  Ancient Mystery   
    That Holds The  Secret 
    Of  America`s Future

    (Information from the back cover)

    Is It Possible...

    That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America`s future?

    That this mystery is behind everything from 9 /11 to the complete collapse of the global economy?

    That God is now sending a prophetic message on which America`s future hangs?

    Before its end as a nation, there appeared in ancient Israel a series of specific omens and signs warning of destruction--these same Nine Harbingers are now manifesting in America with profound ramifications for America`s future and end-time prophecy.

    Hidden in an ancient Biblical verse from the Book of Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretell recent American events down to the exact days...the 3,000-year-old mystery that revealed the exact date of the stock market collapse of 2008...the ancient prophecy that was proclaimed from the floor of the US Senate and then came true...and more.
    The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptic will find it hard to put down. Though it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller--it's real.  

    Written in a riveting narrative style, The Harbinger opens with the appearance of a man burdened with a series of messages he has received in the form of nine seals. Each seal unveils a prophetic mystery concerning America and its future that takes you on an amazing journey that will change the way you see the world forever.

    Jonathan Cahn leads the Hope of the World ministries and the Jerusalem Center / Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jew and Gentile, people of all backgrounds, located in Wayne, New Jersey. His teachings are seen on television and radio throughout the nation and are known for their prophetic significance and their revealing of deep mysteries of God's Word.

    (Information from the page 5)  

    What you are about to read is presented in the form of a story, but what is contained within the story is real.

    Finding new life - audios

    The Harbinger Book Website

    Hope of the world

    Jonathan Cahn Website

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    God Bless you.

    Wednesday, 8 February 2012

    Memorize and Meditate

    Book recommendation
    Memorize and Meditate by Lavonne Masters

    In just 
    5 easy steps
    a few minutes a day
    you can learn the

    (Information from the back cover)

    An Easy Way to Learn
    the Scriptures in Just
    Minutes a Day

    Have you been unsuccessful at  
    memorizing Scripture?
    Are you ready for a fool-proof plan?

     Lavonne Masters has developed has developed the perfect program for memorizing Scripture. in  
    • 5 easy steps, 
    • 15 minutes a day,
    • 5 days a week, 
    you can make the Scriptures an integral part of your life!

    Masters combines practical,
    • easy-to-use memorization methods with 
    • biblical principles of meditation, 
    and the result is a scripture memory plan that works.

    "Memorization and meditation revolutionized my world," says Master. It can do the same for yours with the help of this proven plan.

    CD Teaching - Memorize God's Word

    Thank you for reading my blog.
    God Bless you.

    Sunday, 5 February 2012

    The Dad Difference

    Book recommendation
    The Dad Difference
    By Josh McDowell and Dr. Norm Wakefield

    Creating an Environment for
    Your Child's Sexual Wholeness

    (Information from the back cover)

    Making a Difference

    "I had a rotten day at school, then I all wanted was a bit of my parents' time. Just a simple hug would do. But they were too busy so I went to my boyfriend with my problems. One thing led to another and now I'm involved sexually. Dad, Mom, I wish you had been there when I needed you."   Melissa 

    The national study on teen sexuality commissioned by "WHY WAIT?" confirms a significant relationship between teen sexual activity and the lack of parental attentiveness. Where parents provide
    • affirmation, 
    • unconditional love and acceptance and 
    • ample listening time, 
     the rate of teen sexual involvement is dramatically lower.

    The study also shows that mothers spend more than twice as much time as fathers and are more apt to discuss matters of sexuality with there children.

    Drawing on this study, their personal experience, and their practical knowledge of Biblical principles. Josh McDowell and Dr. Norm Wakefield provide insights for all fathers and guidelines for wives to support their husbands in making the The Dad Difference. If you're a single parent, you will find the The Dad Difference a breath of fresh air.

    • Discover how to better protect your child from today's overwhelming temptations.
    • Learn how to nurture a healthy sexual attitude in your child.
    • Explore new ways of communicating with a teen who seems to be in another world.
    • Find out when to loosen the reigns and when to clamp down.
    • Know how to make up for "lost time" with your child.
    • Learn, as a divorced parent, how to make the best of your situation.

    The Dad Difference can help you instill moral values within your child and create a better environment for your child's sexual wholeness.

     (Information from first page)

    To My Fellow Dads

    You hold in your hand a book that comes from our hearts.

    We're fathers. We take the responsibility seriously, and frankly, no task on this earth has challenged us more.

    If you're like us, you love your kids with all your heart. You want to be a good Dad. you might be part of a nuclear family or among or among the growing number of divorced or blended families.

    In any case God has entrusted one or more precious lives into your care and you want to build strong kids who go on  to be strong caring adults.

    We dads have the privilege, and the responsibility, to help make a significant difference in the next generation of our world - by how we express love and relate to our children!

    We want to be challenged, encouraged and motivated to action by the ideas in the The Dad Difference.
    And we invite you to make the commitment with us that,
    • no matter how tough it may get, 
    • no matter how unresponsive our kids may be, 
    • no matter which way the road may bend in the future - 
    we dedicate ourselves to the privilege and responsibility of conscientious, loving, involved, communicative fathering.

    In this book, we'll share some good tips to help carry you through. 

    Josh McDowell
    Norm Wakefield

    Josh McDowell's Website

    Sex and Relationships

    How Can I Know God Personally

    Thank you for reading my blog.
    God bless you.

    Thursday, 2 February 2012

    Who Switched Off My Brain?

    Book recommendation
    Who Switched Off My Brain?
    Controlling toxic thoughts and emotions
    by Dr. Caroline Leaf

    ( Information from inside front cover )

    A thought my seem harmless. but if it becomes toxic, it can become
    • physically, 
    • emotionally or
    • spiritually

    Every time you have a thought, it is actively changing your brain and your body - for better or worse.

    In this revised edition, of  Who Switched Off My Brain?, Dr.Leaf clearly illustrates how the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience prove Scripture - that
    • you can renew your mind. 
    • You can break the cycle of toxic thinking. 
    • You can break unhealthy patterns.

    Learn how "The Dirty Dozen," twelve areas of toxic thinking, can be swept away. And uncover how healthy thoughts can actually start to help improve every area of your life -
    • your relationships, 
    • our health , and 
    • even your successes.
    ( Information from the back cover )

    Do you ever feel like your brain has just been "switched off"?
    Have you ever felt
    • discouraged, 
    • unfocused, or 
    • overwhelmed? 
    Are there unhealthy patterns in your life or in your family you just can't seem to break?

    A thought my seem harmless. but if it becomes toxic, it can become
    • physically, 
    • emotionally or
    • spiritually

    Thankfully,we are living in a time of revolution.We can see how brain science lines up clearly with Scripture -
    • Your mind can be renewed, 
    • toxic thoughts and emotions can be swept away and 
    • your brain really can be "switched on."
    In this book:

    Learn how toxic thoughts are like poison and how to identify "The Dirty Dozen," twelve areas of toxic thinking in our lives

    Sweep away "The Dirty Dozen" by breaking the cycle of toxic thinking.

    Uncover how your thoughts can actually start to improve every area of your life -
    • your relationships, 
    • our health , and 
    • even your successes. 

    Dr. Caroline Leaf Website

    Dr. Caroline Leaf's Blog

    Dr. Caroline Leaf Media

    Dr. Caroline Leaf - Thought Life

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    God Bless you.