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Thursday, 2 February 2012

Who Switched Off My Brain?

Book recommendation
Who Switched Off My Brain?
Controlling toxic thoughts and emotions
by Dr. Caroline Leaf

( Information from inside front cover )

A thought my seem harmless. but if it becomes toxic, it can become
  • physically, 
  • emotionally or
  • spiritually

Every time you have a thought, it is actively changing your brain and your body - for better or worse.

In this revised edition, of  Who Switched Off My Brain?, Dr.Leaf clearly illustrates how the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience prove Scripture - that
  • you can renew your mind. 
  • You can break the cycle of toxic thinking. 
  • You can break unhealthy patterns.

Learn how "The Dirty Dozen," twelve areas of toxic thinking, can be swept away. And uncover how healthy thoughts can actually start to help improve every area of your life -
  • your relationships, 
  • our health , and 
  • even your successes.
( Information from the back cover )

Do you ever feel like your brain has just been "switched off"?
Have you ever felt
  • discouraged, 
  • unfocused, or 
  • overwhelmed? 
Are there unhealthy patterns in your life or in your family you just can't seem to break?

A thought my seem harmless. but if it becomes toxic, it can become
  • physically, 
  • emotionally or
  • spiritually

Thankfully,we are living in a time of revolution.We can see how brain science lines up clearly with Scripture -
  • Your mind can be renewed, 
  • toxic thoughts and emotions can be swept away and 
  • your brain really can be "switched on."
In this book:

Learn how toxic thoughts are like poison and how to identify "The Dirty Dozen," twelve areas of toxic thinking in our lives

Sweep away "The Dirty Dozen" by breaking the cycle of toxic thinking.

Uncover how your thoughts can actually start to improve every area of your life -
  • your relationships, 
  • our health , and 
  • even your successes. 

Dr. Caroline Leaf Website

Dr. Caroline Leaf's Blog

Dr. Caroline Leaf Media

Dr. Caroline Leaf - Thought Life

Thank you for reading my blog.
God Bless you.

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